This is just a very short post to let you all know about some upcoming changes for Mom Elite. I’ve decided in order to get a real true audience I’m going to stop participating in giveaways unless it’s a giveaway for a great product that I’m reviewing. I don’t want to gain fans just based on giveaways. I would rather have real true fans that come back because they enjoy my content, not because they are trying to get something for free. And this brings me to my reviews. I’m going to start being really picky about the products that…
I’m going to really show my inner geek with this post (oh who am I kidding, it’s not like I’m trying to hide my geeky side). I’m about to share with my experience with the Oculus Rift, a new virtual reality platform. My husband bought the Oculus Rift developer kit right before Christmas. When he ordered it and tried to describe it I was skeptical. Virtual reality just sounded kind of cheesy to me. Any experience I’ve had with virtual reality has been mediocre. Let me tell you, the Oculus Rift is really freaking cool! Now I will tell you…
I suppose after blogging for 2 years I should go ahead and introduce myself and let you all know why I started Mom Elite and my vision for Mom Elite. My name is Cyndi. I’m about to marry my amazing fiance and I have 2 children. I’m the owner and web developer of Agilibility. I have been running Mom Elite anonymously for the past 2 years. It’s taken me a while to gain confidence in my blogging and in Mom Elite. So here I am 2 years later. After taking a few breaks from blogging in these 2 years to finish…