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Bay Area Plastic Surgery Procedures from Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeons

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Dr. Christian Kirman has been a cosmetic surgeon for over 13 years in his field, and he specializes in cosmetic surgery of various forms. Although most of his accomplishments stem from breast augmentation and reconstruction surgeries, he also has years of experience and has performed numerous surgeries, for various other parts of the body.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common bay area plastic surgery procedures from Dr. Kirman and other board certified cosmetic surgeons:

  1. Changing of Breasts
    While there are mostly women who have breast augmentation done (this covers reduction, reconstruction, implants, and lips/tucks), men also have a form of reduction. Breast augmentation is the most common and popular in the Bay Area.
  2. Taking the Fat Away
    Liposuction has been in the Bay Area for years, and for a long time until breast augmentation became more streamlined, it was one of the most popular procedures performed. It’s one of the best ways to contour your body by removing your fat.
  3. A “Nose Job”
    This is the third on the list, and is also one of the most dominant forms of plastic procedures performed. From actresses, actors, and the everyday person, this has been a great way to get rid of problems you may have had all of your life. There have been a number of patience old and young who need a rhinoplasty (a nose job) in order to help them stop having so many sinus issues and infections.
  4. Facial Procedures
    There are a large array of other facial cosmetic procedures that have been in place for over a decade, and have been helping to save people’s skin and face for things such as signs of aging, burn scars, scar removal, complexion fixes, and even other dire conditions such as cleft palette disorder and more.
    Some types of “ageless” cosmetic surgeries include face lifts, eyebrow lifts, Botox injections, eye lifts, what they consider an injectable (Many claim that injectable fillers have just about as many benefits and are also easier than a face lift), and they also have collagen injections which are used for many forms of “quick” cosmetic facial work (it is also one of the most popular injections since it’s made of natural proteins).
  5. Less Invasive Procedures
    There are also many procedures from dermabrasion, peels, laser (and manual) tattoo removals, vein treatments, and many more that can be considered a less evasive procedure than other forms of cosmetic procedures, but all-in-all, they are still considered cosmetic procedures.

The Conclusion

Cosmetic surgeries can involve many applications and actual procedures to achieve the results you want. You want something done right the first time, and you want a doctor who will follow up with you (and make numerous appointments to continuously check to see if your procedure’s results are holding up). Surgeons like Dr. Kirman are the type of surgeons who do this, and more. Make sure you ask all types of questions here, no matter what information you may be able to find so you can find the right plastic surgery procedure for you if you are considering it.

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  1. Nice article and great point on the doctors who follow up on you!

  2. Really interesting post. Keep it up sharing such posts

  3. This is interesting post. I will be waiting for more related posts from you.

  4. Great read. Thanks for sharing!

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