• Home Life - Lifestyle - Parenting

    Advice for Adding a Pet To the Family for the First Time

    Are your children begging you for a furry new friend? Before you make the leap into pet ownership, you must prepare your house, your family, and yourself for this brand-new responsibility. Owning any kind of pet is a rewarding experience for everyone in the household, but it adds new considerations that you may not have had to make before. Whether you plan to get a dog, a cat, or something unique, this advice for adding a pet to the family for the first time will help you take the first steps to figure everything out. Make Sure You and Your…

  • Lifestyle - Home Life

    The Advanced Guide to Healthy Diets For Pets

    Flouffy-Unsplash You may be a mum to a happy, healthy bunch of children, but they aren’t the only ones in need of some love and attention. You’ve got it, your pets, whether that may be a dog, a cat, or something a little more exotic like a crocodile in your pool. You need to be their mom too. Think about how you can help your dog lead a healthier life by feeding your dog high protein dog food. Alternatively, make your own. Family And Pet Diets You love your pet, but you do not like what you have to give…

  • Home Life - Lifestyle - Parenting

    Indoor Activities for Cold Days With Kids

    As the days grow colder, you and your children may be less inclined to explore the outdoors. Depending on where you live, consistently venturing outside in the frigid winter can be more hassle than fun. Instead, try these indoor activities for cold days with kids. Bake a Warm Treat Though your children may not be old enough to help with everything in the kitchen, baking is a relatively simple task that gives them a sweet reward. Hot food goes well with cold days, so pull out the baking sheets and whip up some cookies, brownies, or other seasonal goodies. Your…

  • Home Life - Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle - Parenting

    How To Prepare for Flu Seasons With Little Kids

    Flu season is quickly approaching and this year there are more concerns than ever. Parents now have to navigate both flu season and a looming global pandemic. While the COVID-19 pandemic opened up communications and awareness about germs for many children, explaining there are multiple sicknesses to protect ourselves from can be overwhelming for little ones. Discover how to prepare for flu seasons with little kids during a pandemic. Explain the Flu To Your Kids The first step to helping protect your family from the flu is educating your kids. Depending on the age of your kids, this can be…

  • Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Home Life - Lifestyle

    Essential Oils Do Double-Duty in Your Home

    When realtors really want to improve the results of a home-showing, they often have the owners bake a loaf of bread or cookies. This is because smells affect the human mind. The hippocampus is where many feelings and memories are processed, as well as where smell processing takes place. This is one reason that smells and emotions are intertwined: Scents trigger memories. Smells affect moods. Retailers use specific scents to increase sales. Smell enhances tastes. Some scents can help you sleep better. With these interesting facts in mind, it makes sense that you’d want to surround yourself with certain scents in…