Healthy Living

Workout Challenge Week 2

I recently started a 90 day workout challenge through Beachbody. I’m only in my second week and I can already see a huge difference in my energy level and strength. The program I am using is T25. Shaun T in my living room 25 minutes a day. The workout is pretty hard core and I have a love hate relationship with Shaun T. There have been times during my workouts that I have cussed him and flipped him off. But when the workout is over and I’m feeling great I’m thankful that he kept pushing me. After my first week of T25 and Shakeology I lost 3 pounds and half an inch to an inch around all of my measurements. So I can’t wait to see what my results will be in 90 days.

Along with T25 I’ve been drinking Shakeology for my breakfast meal replacements. I’ve also been making healthier meals. Just tonight I tried to make veggie quinoa patties. As you can tell from the picture my first batch was a failure. I learned my lesson and the second batch came out much better. I just mixed cooked quinoa with diced red peppers, 1 egg, salt, pepper, hemp seeds and with my second batch I added a little bread crumbs to get everything to stick together better.

If you are interested in a life changing health and fitness journey shoot me an email at cyndi@ No matter what your fitness level is there is a challenge for you.

13 Comments on “Workout Challenge Week 2

  1. I love seeing these photo fails lol as for working out.. I fell off the wagon. good thing is i’m starting to feel the itch again.

  2. I hear those workouts are top notch.. i personally have been slacking on the gym, and need to get myself back into it.

    1. They really are top notch! I love them and the support groups that go along with them! If you are ever interested in getting into one of the programs let me know. All it takes is 25 minutes a day at home.

  3. I have had recipes turn out a lot like that. Always fun right? I’ve heard awesome things about T25 and have it on my wish list. Now just to convince my husband to get it for me. Good job on the weight loss so far!

    1. T25 is amazing! We also have a sale of P90X3 this month and are starting a new challenge group in a couple of weeks. If you are interested in joining the challenge leave me your email address and I can send you more info.

  4. I really need to do something like this as well. Just about 2 days ago, I was so set on doing something different. I woke up at 7 am, had Nutrisystem for breakfast, did cardio on the eliptical, and then by dinner I was bored. I think my real problem is finding the food that is satisfying. When I’m hungry, and I go eat a tiny meal bar, that does nothing but starve me, just does not help. Uhg!!

    I am happy for you though, and I am excited to see your results at the end of the 90 days!

    1. We are starting a new challenge group in a couple of weeks. You are more than welcome to join us! I promise you won’t get bored and will have tons of support and advice! Send me your email address if you are interested in learning more!

  5. Oh wow, haha. Kudos to you for showing your epic fail. That’s okay – it’s hard sometimes to get it just right, or even close. I’ve had my fair share of mishaps.

  6. LOL! I made crackers this weekend for a culinary nutrition class that make your dish look like a masterpiece in Gourmet magazine.
    Beachbody is great–I have a friend that’s a coach for them and she loves the company.

  7. LOL! Definitely nailed it! I started working out at an intense fitness bootcamp last September and love/hate it too! I am proud at how far I have come!

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