Are you one of the 20 million people that have tried yoga? There’s no denying the power of having a good yoga practice since it …
What Is Yoga Therapy? 5 Benefits of Starting Yoga Therapy

Resource for travel, meditation, yoga and fitness tips
Are you one of the 20 million people that have tried yoga? There’s no denying the power of having a good yoga practice since it …
Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash The last year has been a difficult and stressful one for all and now the end is looking near …
(Unsplash CC0) You probably use the internet to browse Facebook, read articles on your favorite celebrity sites, and check your emails on a regular basis, …
We’ve all experienced stress. It creeps up on us, often suddenly. There’s the increased heart rate, inability to concentrate, problems falling and staying asleep, and …
Pexels. CCO Licensed. On top of exercising your body, it’s also important to regularly exercise your brain. Just as a physical workout can help improve …