
Taking Care of Elderly Parents: Steps to Take

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We often associate our parents with authority. They raised us. They shaped us into the people we are today. When we’ve been in trouble, we’ve turned to them for health and support. We see them as strong and reliable. However, everyone faces the ageing process and, as you grow older, you may find that the tables turn and your parents suddenly become a whole lot more dependent on you. It’s important that you do your utmost to help them at all times when they reach this stage, as your help can go a long way and make the difference between a difficult life or a comfortable and enjoyable life. The past year and a half have seen the elderly become even more vulnerable in the face of the coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic, where they’ve been particularly susceptible to illness and have been encouraged to isolate themselves and stay away from others. Though most elderly people are now vaccinated against the virus, you may still be thinking of different ways to help your parents on a day to day basis. Here are some suggestions that can significantly help!

Helping With Day to Day Tasks

When you’re young and healthy, you tend to take your ability to complete routine, day to day tasks with ease for granted. But your elderly parents may not be able to do everything they want without hassle. Some simple tasks can prove difficult, which can discourage your loved one from engaging with them. So, help where you can. If they have a doctor’s appointment, offer to collect them and drop them off. This can cut out bus journeys and walks which can be tiring. If they need to do their food shopping, offer to order online for them, to take them to the supermarket or to do the shop for them. This can help ensure they have constant access to the foods they want without having to, again, worry about buses, long walks or carrying heavy shopping bags.

Considering Their Living Situation

As your parents grow older, you may need to reassess their living situations with them. The homes they’ve lived in for years may not be sufficiently accessible or comfortable for them.  Of course, you need to consider their feelings, wants and needs, so avoid being pushy. Consider changes that they may enjoy and that can improve their day to day experience. Some common options are listed below.

  • Home Adaptations – if your parents want to stay in their own home, but are struggling with some elements of getting around their home, you may want to consider home adaptations. There are plenty that can make routine tasks a lot easier. Common options include stair lifts, grab rails, walk-in baths, ramps to and from the front door and back garden and more.
  • Moving Home – if your elderly parents want to remain independent, but live more comfortably, moving home could be a good option. Large, family size homes can be difficult to maintain, and often have stairs, which can be difficult to tackle. This is why bungalows are so popular with the elderly. They’re easy to navigate and often have large, open spaces to enjoy.
  • Moving Into a Care Home – you may find that your elderly parents require specialist care that you may be unable to provide. Perhaps they need round the clock support and assistance, and you can’t manage this while still going to work and supporting yourself and any children you may have. They may need medical assistance from professionals. This is where care homes come in handy. Make sure to check the quality of different homes and to check in regularly with your parents once they’ve moved in. If you or your parents experience difficulties or wrongdoing there, a nursing home abuse lawyer can help.
  • In-Home Care – if your parents require care and assistance, but don’t want to live in a care home, there’s also the option of in-home care. This will see nurses, carers or other specialists visit them in their own home, assisting them as they need. They can pop in or they can provide round-the-clock care, depending on what your parents want and need. Hopefully, you’ll find a good match early on, so everyone can operate in this way comfortably.

As you can see, there’s a lot to take into consideration as your parents grow older, and there are a number of steps you can take to make their lives easier on a day to day basis. Hopefully, the information provided has introduced you to some ideas that can help you!

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