• Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle - Relax

    Essential Oils for Meditation

    Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases There is no denying that certain scents evoke certain emotions. That is why using essential oils during meditation can get your meditation practice a little boost. This article will help you pick the right essential oil to set the mood for your meditation.  How to Use Essential Oils  The easiest way to use essential oils during meditation is to use a diffuser. A diffuser will gently diffuse the oils into the air and give you a nice aroma to breath in during meditation. Don’t have a diffuser? No problem. Just…

  • Lifestyle - Healthy Living - Relax

    Satya in Real Life: Keeping the Peace

    Satya: Action of mind and the use of speech in the spirit of welfare. How can we follow Satya in our everyday actions? How can we tell the truth and act in a straightforward and honest way to promote the welfare of all? In cases where telling the exact truth will harm others, Satya means to say what is best for the welfare of others. This isn’t always easy. I will give some examples of how Satya could be handled in our day to day interactions with others. Following Satya brings about tremendous strength of mind and is very important…

  • Lifestyle - Healthy Living - Personal Development - Relax

    Ahimsa for the Beginner Yogi

    Ahimsa is defined as the principle of nonviolence toward all living beings. Ahimsa is one of the 5 yamas which are the ethical, moral and societal guidelines for all yogis. Think of the Yamas and Niyamas as the 10 commandments for yogis. They all seem very simple and straightforward to follow at face value. That is until you dig a little deeper. Let’s talk about ahimsa. Nonviolence toward all living beings. Sounds easy enough, right? If you really study ahimsa, this nonviolence includes not just action, but also nonviolences in words and thoughts. So how can we really practice ahimsa…

  • Lifestyle - Healthy Living - Parenting - Relax

    Meditation Guide for Parents: Lesson 2: Stop Judgment

    As you start your meditation practice, you may find yourself judging yourself. I know I did. I would have the following thoughts: “Why am I still thinking? I shouldn’t be thinking during meditation.” “I must be doing something wrong.” “This meditation doesn’t quite feel right. I must be doing it wrong.” “I have too many things to do to be sitting here with my eyes closed.” The list goes on of the thoughts that came up during meditation. And don’t get me wrong. I still have thoughts that come up during meditation. But I’ve learned through mindfulness, that you need…

  • Lifestyle - Healthy Living - Relax

    Meditation Guide For Parents: Lesson 1: Start Small

    If you are new to your meditation practice I want to encourage you to start small and start slow with this meditation guide. I hear from so many parents that they don’t have enough time in the day to meditate or there is no way they can clear their minds during meditation. Meditating 20 minutes twice a day didn’t happen overnight for me. I had to start small. When I started meditating I considered it a success if I could sit still with my eyes closed for 5 minutes. I always felt I had something more important I should be…