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How To Live Your Most Sustainable Summer Yet

How To Live Your Most Sustainable Summer Yet
How To Live Your Most Sustainable Summer Yet

Summer is in full swing, and it has put on its loveliest outfit—a summertime haze covering everything under the sky and reflecting the warmth and vibrancy of the sun. The greenest of lawns and the fullest of trees offer splashes of vivid colors, adding splotches of energy into the world.

This sunny season is the perfect time to kick back and reflect on the importance of everyday decisions, especially regarding your household’s environmental footprint. There are limitless actions you can take daily to live more sustainably. Let’s take a closer look at how to live your most sustainable summer yet. Here are a few lifestyle habits you and your family can pick up right away.

Spend More Time in Mother Nature

Yes, spending time in the great outdoors is a given in the sweet summertime. Yet, how much does your household unplug from the world around you? Be sure to head outside and breathe in the fresh air to engage with your natural surroundings. Store the electronics away and soak up the warmth of the sun’s rays instead.

Hit the trails for a hike, bike around the neighborhood after dinner, or start up a garden in the backyard. Appreciate the natural world for what it offers each day. Then, do your part to maintain that organic beauty and value for future generations to come.

Check Your Consumeristic Choices

Eco-conscious consumers solely purchase what they need, and they do their research before handing over their hard-earned dollars. This is especially true for parents who know what products they’re bringing into their homes and providing for their kids. Making eco-conscious purchases is part of how to live your most sustainable summer yet. Consider shopping locally or with small businesses.

Ditch plastics, and rethink fast fashion as well. Thrifting, repurposing clothes, or wardrobe swapping are a few favorable alternatives. If you’re spending a significant time outdoors in the sun, check your sunscreen also. Before putting on the skincare products, it’s a wise idea to swap out the old with a sustainable alternative. Glance over your current sunscreen’s ingredient list for microbeads—you should avoid this toxic plastic for personal health and overall environmental wellbeing.

Save Energy: Crack Open a Window or Two

Sustainability in the home relies heavily on energy efficiency. But how can you make your humble abode more energy-efficient? Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances or lighting is one thing, but undergoing a few simple actions each day is another. Before springing automatically to the AC in the heat, ponder alternatives, such as blackout curtains. Consider the energy-saving cooling methods that a plethora of households can utilize to their advantage. With these factors in mind, you can make your lifestyle this summer—and every season hereafter—the greenest and most satisfying yet.

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