People are quick to point out the physical benefits of meditation like lowered blood pressure and decreased anxiety. But meditation doesn’t just affect your physical health. It can also affect the health of your relationships. Here are just a few of the relationship benefits you’ll get if you regularly practice mediation: The Ability to Listen Meditation teaches you how to be present in the moment. It gives you the chance to check in with your mind and body. But more importantly, it shows you how to listen. This can come in handy when it comes to defusing arguments with your…
Many people use meditation for stress relief in their day to day life Stress and anxiety often stems from insecurities in your life. When you feel like you aren’t good enough that often leads to bad habits such as bad eating, poor exercise, lack of sleep and sometimes drug use. It is possible to curb these negative behaviors and start working on those insecurities with meditation. Recognizing Your Inner Voice Everyone has an inner voice. It’s the voice that plays in your head from the moment you wake up until you go back to bed. Sometimes that voice is loving…
Meditation, according to Yogapedia is the process of quieting the mind in order to spend time in through for relaxation or religious/spiritual purposes. It allows you to tune into your thoughts without being consumed by them. This makes it easier to focus on what truly matters and gives you space to quiet your mind. While some forms of meditation are spiritual or religious that is not the case for all types of meditation. For example, there are many agnostics or atheists who practice mindfulness. Here are just a few different types of mediation who can choose from: Guided Meditation Guided…
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases There is no denying that certain scents evoke certain emotions. That is why using essential oils during meditation can get your meditation practice a little boost. This article will help you pick the right essential oil to set the mood for your meditation. How to Use Essential Oils The easiest way to use essential oils during meditation is to use a diffuser. A diffuser will gently diffuse the oils into the air and give you a nice aroma to breath in during meditation. Don’t have a diffuser? No problem. Just…
I never thought something as simple as sitting in silence could change my life. I would read articles and watch videos from people talking about the power of meditation. I didn’t truly understand the power behind such a simple act until I started practicing meditation on a regular basis. Let me start by telling you what my meditation practice looked like at the beginning vs what it looks like today. At the beginning of my practice I was that busy mom who thought I didn’t have time for meditation. I knew it would probably feel good to meditate, but I…