Saving money is simpler than people make it out to be. The hardest part is usually the initial process. But there are many gurus out there, from enthusiasts and millionaires like Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Rachel Cruze, and many more who can teach you about saving money without the need of having a personal financial advisor. While this is a hard thing to do, it’s even harder when you’re trying to get yourself out of financial trouble. But there is relief. The first step of any financial freedom program isn’t even to pay off your debt, it’s to save money.…
Do you have an athlete, an artist, a writer, all around princess or maybe one of each in your family? Then odds are finding those extra special school supplies to start the school year off right may take a little bit longer than usual. Sometimes, though, if you hit the right place, you luck out and find everything your kids could need or want for back to school. Whether it be scented markers, tools to use to color and draw, or crazy bright highlighters. When shopping around, keep these back to school finds every girl will love in mind from…
As you start your meditation practice, you may find yourself judging yourself. I know I did. I would have the following thoughts: “Why am I still thinking? I shouldn’t be thinking during meditation.” “I must be doing something wrong.” “This meditation doesn’t quite feel right. I must be doing it wrong.” “I have too many things to do to be sitting here with my eyes closed.” The list goes on of the thoughts that came up during meditation. And don’t get me wrong. I still have thoughts that come up during meditation. But I’ve learned through mindfulness, that you need…
This weekend I made one of my biggest mom fails I’ve had in a long time. My 7-year-old had his first piano recital scheduled at one of our local nursing homes. His piano teacher sent me the information about the recital including the location and time and I invited all of our family members to come. Turns out I sent everyone to the wrong location. We all got to the nursing home all dressed up and my boy was so excited to play. We arrived 30 minutes early so that he could get warmed up and familiarize himself with the…
After dealing with decades of school shootings, teenagers are fed up and starting to stand up. It’s still hard for me to believe that the first school shooting that I remember hearing about happened my senior year of high school. After that shooting schools took measures to install metal detectors, cameras and fences to try to protect schools. I still to this day remember that after Columbine teachers were ordered to lock the doors to the classrooms during the class session. Nearly 20 years later, school shootings have continued and our society has become desensitized to the news. At…