Last night my 8 year old daughter and I were discussing sleepovers. She’s never had a sleepover at a friends house. We’ve kept her sleepovers …
Co-ed Sleepovers – Yay or Nay?

Resource for travel, meditation, yoga and fitness tips
Last night my 8 year old daughter and I were discussing sleepovers. She’s never had a sleepover at a friends house. We’ve kept her sleepovers …
Disclosure: I have been compensated for this review. Even though I have been compensated for this review all opinions and real and my own. We …
Disclosure: I have been given a free admission to the Titanic Museum for this review. I have not been compensated for this review and all …
I’ve been working out at the gym regularly for about 6 months now. Before the weather turned cold I loved to run around my neighborhood. …
This year I’ve decided to make some major lifestyle changes in an attempt to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. I’ve decided not to do resolutions, …