first class stateroom

Disclosure: I have been given a free admission to the Titanic Museum for this review. I have not been compensated for this review and all opinions are my own.
Titanic Pigeon Forge

My family and I had a chance to step back over a hundred years in time today to visit the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN. I knew we would enjoy the museum, I just didn’t realize just how much we would get out of the museum. We got a lesson in history. We got to see the good and bad of the events of the Titanic. And when I mention the bad I’m not only talking about the sinking of the Titanic, I’m talking about the obvious racism and classism that was so prevalent back then (and in all honestly if we really look at it is still present today, just not quite to the extent it was back then).

I was a little disappointed at first when I found out we weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the museum or even have our phones turned on. This all really ended up being a blessing to us during our excursion through the museum. My husband and I were really able to actually immerse ourselves into the Titanic without the interference of remembering to take pictures, check our email and messages on our phones. We were able to have a real genuine experience with our kids.

When we went through the museum we started off walking through the lower level of the ship. There were hands-on exhibits for the kids to shovel coal and see water rushing down a stairwell, along with stories being told through our hand sets that were given to us at the beginning of the tour. We got to see a replica of a third class stateroom. The kids were amazed that people stayed in such small rooms.

Titanic Third Class

After exploring in third class we made our way up the grand staircase (which was absolutely beautiful) and got to explore in first class. The difference in third class and first class was astonishing. We went from seeing tight spaces with lack of color and decorations to beautiful large beautiful spaces with lots of art and colors. We got to see the new Molly Brown Exhibit that just opened up to see and hear the history of Molly Brown. first class stateroom

molly brown titanic exhibit

After walking through the first class exhibits we went through the captains bridge where it was starting to get really cold. The kids got to steer the captains wheel while the looked out at the stars on a dark cold night. The first thing we saw when we walked in the next room was a huge iceberg. We could touch the iceberg and feel how cold it was. There was a large exhibit with 26 degree water that you could touch to see just how cold the water was that so many people lost their lives in.

iceberg exhibit

After the iceberg exhibit we got to go through the sinking of the ship. The kids were able to see what it was like to try to stand up on the ship at the various stages of the sinking. They had a lot of fun climbing up holding onto the rails only to slide back down. We got to see what it was like to sit in one of the lifeboats and have our pictures taken in front of the grand staircase.

titanic discovery exhibit

Before we went through the museum we were each assigned a person from the Titanic. These were people who were all on board the Titanic of all classes including first class, second class, third class and workers. My family of four had one character of each. My kids had two children, one third class and one second. My husband had a worker and I had a first class woman. We got the learn the stories of our characters and at the end of the tour we got the find out if our characters lived or died. The ironic thing was my first class character was our only character to NOT survive. I won’t tell you the characters we got so I don’t spoil your experience when you decide to go.

The last thing we got to see was an exhibit showing what the Titanic looks like today in the ocean. My 3 year old son kept looking at it saying how sad it was that people are down there and that we can’t rescue them and put the ship back together. Both of my kids seemed to really enjoy the museum. It really is a museum that is great for all ages. While my 3 year old got sick of carrying around his hand set and listening to the recordings he stilled seemed to get a lot out of looking at the exhibits. And my 8 year old listened to every single one of the recordings and really got into the scavenger hunt while my husband and I tried to get the full experience.

I highly recommend everyone visit the Titanic Museum at least once. February is a great month to visit the museum. February 14th and 15th Molly Brown’s great granddaughter will be at the museum to tell the story of her grandmother. This is a rare and exclusive event that you don’t want to miss! The museum is also offering a great deal for teachers the month of February. For the entire month of February admission for teachers and one guest is $8.50.

I really hope you all enjoyed this review and are encouraged to visit the museum. I promise you won’t regret it!

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  1. This Is Awesome Would LOVE To Go With My Family!

  2. Oh my goodness, I would love to hear from Molly Brown’s granddaughter! The musical based on her life is one of my favorites.

  3. I think the placing of the toilet is interesting 🙂 Thanks for sharing about the Titanic museum

    1. I know! Could you imagine just getting up in the middle of the night and doing your business right next to everyone sleeping?

  4. What an awesome place to visit.

  5. What a wonderful experience! I love historical tours and this sounds right up my alley. I’ll have to keep it in my list of potential vacation options. Thanks for sharing!

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