• Lifestyle - Get Healthy - Healthy Living

    Working Out for the Working Mom

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases I can now say that I have tried out all of the mom categories. Stay at home mom, work from home mom and now work outside the home mom. Each scenario has had its challenges. And each scenario has had its strengths. I can now say one of the biggest struggles I’ve had with being a work outside the home mom has been staying consistent with working out. When I was a stay at home mom and a work from home mom, I was able to set my hours for the…

  • Lifestyle - Get Healthy - Healthy Living

    Why Strength Training is Essential for Runners

    When I started running 4 years ago I made one very crucial mistake. I just dove right into running and only ran. I didn’t do any form of strength training whatsoever. I just thought in order to get better at running I just needed to run more. So that’s what I did. I ran harder and faster and longer until…I hurt myself. During one of my runs my body just said “NOPE!” and my knees gave out and I crashed. I literally came crashing down with my knees to the pavement. After this experience I was terrified to run again.…

  • Healthy Living - Get Healthy - Reviews

    Thieves Oil – Brands Comparison

    Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Update: I just posted a long overdue update to this post! I finally found a thieves oil that I love…and it’s inexpensive! Hop over to this post to find out which oil I went with.  As I’ve started getting into essential oils thieves oils has hands down become one of my favorite oils. It smells great, has amazing benefits and can be used topically (with a carrier oil) or diffused. My love of thieves oil started with my Young Living Thieves Oil. But at $42.99 per bottle the price seemed…