This is just a very short post to let you all know about some upcoming changes for Mom Elite. I’ve decided in order to get a real true audience I’m going to stop participating in giveaways unless it’s a giveaway for a great product that I’m reviewing. I don’t want to gain fans just based on giveaways. I would rather have real true fans that come back because they enjoy my content, not because they are trying to get something for free. And this brings me to my reviews. I’m going to start being really picky about the products that…
I’ve been working out at the gym regularly for about 6 months now. Before the weather turned cold I loved to run around my neighborhood. I would normally try to run around 3 miles. The problem I’ve always had with my running is my endurance and speed (or lack of on both). I would always run for a few minutes and have to walk a little bit. And I’ve never been able to get my average time under 12 minutes per mile. My neighborhood has lots of hills that tend to really slow me down and make me have to…
I’m going to really show my inner geek with this post (oh who am I kidding, it’s not like I’m trying to hide my geeky side). I’m about to share with my experience with the Oculus Rift, a new virtual reality platform. My husband bought the Oculus Rift developer kit right before Christmas. When he ordered it and tried to describe it I was skeptical. Virtual reality just sounded kind of cheesy to me. Any experience I’ve had with virtual reality has been mediocre. Let me tell you, the Oculus Rift is really freaking cool! Now I will tell you…
This year I’ve decided to make some major lifestyle changes in an attempt to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. I’ve decided not to do resolutions, since resolutions are normally doomed to fail. Instead I’ve decided to just build off of things that I had already started doing last year. Last year is the year I started running. Last year is the year I started looking more into clean eating and buying local food. At the end of last year I discovered oil pulling and essential oils. While last year was a year of discovery and research this year is going…
Visit the only Permanent Titanic Museum Attraction with your family. Discover why this museum attraction is an exciting ship-shaped classroom filled with history, hands-on experiments, mysteries to solve and fascinating stories about real people and events. Walk the $1 million Grand Staircase. Sit in a lifeboat. Steer the ship. Touch and Iceberg, and more. “Our visit was enjoyed by all from ages 4 to 64…..It (Titanic) is a visit not to be missed.” – Jessica Bookstaff Doppelt I’ve been hearing all about the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge and have driven past it many times. I’ve just never had the…