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3 Health Complaints We Wrongly Think Are Reserved To Seniors

3 Health Complaints We Wrongly Think Are Reserved To Seniors

We all appreciate that growing older means facing health issues that we didn’t have when we were young. Yet, it is wrong to ignore your woes because you feel that you are too young to have them. 

In reality, while age-related issues are natural, there could be a variety of reasons why you and your grandmother are both complaining about joint pain. More importantly, delaying medical visits and diagnosis on the basis of your age could be a costly mistake. 

So first of all, let’s normalize some of the most common health problems that could affect people at any age. It is time to demystify health issues and understand why they occur. 

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#1. I am too young to lose teeth!

Tooth loss is a lot more frequent than you think. While old age is an explanation as the jaw bone loses density and therefore grip on the teeth in seniors, there may be other causes for tooth loss in young age. 

Your oral hygiene plays a significant role in maintaining your teeth healthy and strong for longer. Ideally, you should:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Use flossing and mouthwash after every brush
  • See your dentist regularly

Issues can develop even if you keep up with brushing when you skip dental checks. What are the common causes of tooth loss in young age? Aside from injury, which can’t be prevented through oral hygiene, some of the most frequently seen problems include:

  • Gum disease
  • Cavity and infection
  • Untreated diabetes, which can aggravate gum disease
  • Crooked teeth, leading to a gap in your smile 
  • Other serious diseases 

#2. I’m too young to need glasses!

Glasses are not, and will never be, a symbol of old age. A lot of people wear glasses at any age. 

Being short-sighted, for instance, is a reason for people to need eye correction. Long-sightedness is typically associated with old age when the eye loses the ability to focus the light on the retina. You can see objects in the distance, but objects that are close to your eyes are hard to see. We all know someone who pulls the restaurant menu at arm’s length to read it without glasses! It’s what long-sightedness looks like. 

But your eyes go through a lot and constantly need to adjust to distance and light. So, you might find it tough to see clearly at any distance, especially if you work on screens all day. The combination of long-sightedness and eye strain means that you experience blurry vision or fatigue when you need to switch between close-up work, middle, and long-distance views. Opting for progressive glasses can relieve the pressure and potentially help protect your vision. In our tech age, it is frequent to see young people with glasses as a result of excessive screen exposure mixed with rapid distance viewing changes. If you find that progressive lenses don’t help, it may be worth considering screen glasses to protect your eyes. 

#3. I’m too young for arthritis!

Arthritis or inflamed joints can happen to anyone. While it is often seen in old people, it is not necessarily age-related. In the US, 8 in 100,000 individuals aged between 18 and 34 have arthritis. So why does it happen?

If you have arthritis, chances are it runs in the family. So you probably have a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent who has been experiencing joint pain throughout their life. Arthritis is a chronic disease that can be linked to genetics but also more prone to happen to individuals who carry excess weight. 

It is a common disease, affecting a quarter of the population. Its prevalence is growing at an alarming rate, linked to genetics, lifestyle, and contributing factors:

  • Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can develop arthritis when they engage in high impact activities. It is, for example, frequently seen in runners for the knee and ankle areas. 
  • Smokers are also more at risk
  • Repetitive motions, as part of your day-to-day life or profession, can increase the likelihood of developing joint inflammation. Working in a manufacturing industry frequently comes to mind. But teachers are also at risk; being on their feet all day can contribute to developing knee and hip pain. 
  • Infection of the joint or near the joints can weaken the area and make it more vulnerable. 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for arthritis. But your doctor can help make lifestyle changes to reduce and manage pain. Medication and exercise can also make things more manageable for you. 

Health problems are not necessarily linked to your age. More often than not, they are connected to your lifestyle and family history. So whether you are concerned about your eyes, your teeth, or your joints, remember that your age may not have anything to do with the issue! 

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