Lifestyle Parenting

What You Should Think About When Making Your Birth Plan

What You Should Think About When Making Your Birth Plan
What You Should Think About When Making Your Birth Plan

Your birth story is going to be unique, so your birth plan should be as well. Tailor everything to your exact specifications because labor is tough enough without dealing with bright lights or too many people. Here’s what you should think about when making your birth plan.

How You Want To Give Birth

This is the most significant element you have to consider, and it’s probably one you’ve already thought about. Determine what medications you want to take, keeping in mind that different options might result in varying levels of mobility after the birth.

Now is also the time to figure out whether you’d like a mirror present so that you can see what’s going on, who you want to cut the cord, and whether you’d like skin-to-skin contact with your child after birth.

Your Surroundings

You can select what your surroundings are like; you’re the one giving birth, so that’s your right! Choose the music, the lighting, the people you allow in the room, whether you’d rather be in a bed or a tub—choose it all. You can get really nitty-gritty here and specify everything to the exact detail.

Decisions on Newborn Procedures

After you give birth, the hospital will want to perform several newborn procedures. Do you want your child to get the vitamin K shot and eye drops? Have you decided on circumcision if you’re having a boy? When do you want your newborn to be bathed? Deciding on all these facets ahead of time will save you from having to make quick decisions after an exhausting labor.

Mistakes To Avoid

There are a few ways you can go wrong when creating a birth plan too. Being inflexible or confusingly complex can make your labor experience more stressful than it needs to be, so take a good look before finalizing your plan.

No labor is perfect, but you should get it as close as you can. Now that you know what you should think about when making your birth plan, go build your guidelines and preferences!

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