We all want to travel as much as we can, but alas, that’s not always possible. Even during normal times, the amount of time we can take off from work and the cost of traveling can prevent us from doing so. And given that we’re in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s just not possible to travel anyway! Fortunately, in this day and age, it’s more than possible to do a spot of traveling without leaving your home — it can all be done through your mind, the computer, and the food you eat. Let’s take a look at how.
Go Virtual
Sure, you won’t be able to take a long walk through Paris anytime soon, but you can do the next best thing — travel there via the internet. Things like Google Maps and Google Earth are awesome ways to do a spot of exploring right from the comfort of your own home. You’ll find that these options allow you to project yourself into another country and way of life. As well as walking the streets, you can take a virtual tour through some of the world’s best and most famous museums, which often have their collections available to view online.
International Recipes
If you can’t travel to explore new cultures, then why not bring the culture of other countries to you? One of the best ways to do this is through food. All you’ll need is to look up some recipes from that country, and you’ll be on your way. If you have the best grilled swordfish recipe, then you’ll find it easy to get into the Mediterranean frame of mind, for example. You can take things even further by playing music from the country that you’re visiting via your stomach as you’re preparing the food/eating the meal.
Planning Your Trip
Sure, we may be unable to travel right now, but it won’t be that way forever! It won’t be too long before international travel is back on the cards. In the meantime, why not get to planning your next trip? This part is always super fun. While it’s not the same as actually going on the trip, you’ll learn a lot while you’re making your plans, and you’ll feel as if you’ve taken a short trip just by going through all the information about your intended destination.
Learn a Language
Another good way to explore a different culture is by learning the language. This can be fun, of course, and it’ll also prepare you for your future adventures. During the course of learning, you’ll also discover a lot about the countries where the language is spoken.
Documentaries and Movies
Finally, if you can’t discover the world in person, then how about through your screen? There are plenty of fantastic documentaries and TV shows that can take you on a trip without even leaving your own home. These can sometimes make you jealous, but at least you’ll know that no-one is enjoying the travel adventures that you’re watching!

I love this! We’ve actually beed trying different international recipes at home and its been fun and interesting to cook different foods with different flavors
Some cool ideas here! Will share it with my father who is a travel freak
Aww what a nice post and some great ideas for matching the travel experience from your home.
Such cool ideas! I know we could all use an escape right now!
Love these tips! I’m planning a trip right now. It’s great to look forward to those future plans. 🙂
Love these tips! I’m planning a trip right now. It’s great to look forward to those future plans.
We use some of these in our homeschool and they are a lot of fun. We like to pretend we are taking a trip-mainly for the younger kids.
I have been wanting to try some new different recipes. Finding other cultural loves is a great idea.
This is so unique. We love trying different foods at home and have been cooking international foods and enjoying the many different flavors.
I’ve definitely been planning trips and wishfully thinking! Can’t wait to bring these plans to life one day.
Great idea. Have been trying few of these myself 🙂
Ohh this is such a unique take on or new normal. Love this.
Love these ideas and will be using for sure
This is great advice. We will need to start doing this with our kids. They’ve been missing going anywhere for a while now and I think it would help them! 🙂
This is a cool idea. I will be trying this out for sure. Thanks for sharing.
I love this idea! I’ll have to get myself a globe!
I love these ideas! Especially the language and the cooking ones. Those would be right up my kids’ alley.
while we cook food from around the world regularly, we are doing it more intentionally now and adding new dishes to try out… and of course, watching documentaries as well 🙂
great ideas
My recipe is browsing Google maps and learning a new language. At the moment I try to learn Chinese and brushing up my French.
Such creative ideas! I like the idea of learning a new language. A way to learn and get excited about a new trip one day where we can use the language!
We’ve been enjoying doing some Google Maps surfing, watching some Rick Steve’s travel videos, and planning future trips to a degree.
It at least provides us with a little travel boost. 🙂
We actually ended up taking a Staycation just recently. Of course, that’s not “at home”, since we did venture outside within our region. Though, we came up with some really enjoyable ways to take advantage of short drives and things within walking distance in novel ways. We put on those tourist glasses and pretended!
Maybe give a staycation a shot during the pandemic?