
Top 5 Van Life Essentials for Living on the Road

Top 5 Van Life Essentials for Living on the Road

If van life is popping up all over your feed, you may be thinking about how nice it would be to live in your own tiny house on wheels. Van life goes hand-in-hand with a minimalist and sustainable lifestyle. It also gives you and your family a chance to get out into nature more often. Before you pack your bags, grab these top 5 van life essentials for living on the road.

A French Press

If you’re a coffee lover, this is a must-have. A French press uses less space, energy, and water than a conventional coffee maker—all things that are in short supply when living in a van. Plus, it makes consistently great-quality coffee.

A Water Filter

Water filters are crucial for access to clean water everywhere you go. They also make you more self-sufficient, as you won’t be forced to go to the nearest town for more water when you run out.

Stackable Storage Containers

A good storage system is essential. Vans don’t have a lot of room, so it’s important to minimize clutter wherever possible and store your things efficiently. Stackable storage containers are a great option because they make the most of your space. Just be sure to find ones that click together when stacked—you don’t want your boxes falling over while driving!

A Foot-Powered Water Pump

A foot-powered water pump is a van life essential for a couple of reasons. Electric water pumps use more water and energy, and foot pumps allow you to control water usage. Hand pumps are more impractical because they make washing dishes tough, as you’ll want to have the use of both hands.

A Bug Screen

You’re parked in the mountains in a beautiful campground, you wake up early to enjoy the crisp morning and cool mountain air, you open your windows—and immediately get bugs flying into your van.

A bug screen is a really easy way to prevent this. And if you’re traveling with cats, screens also prevent them from sneaking out the window when you’re not looking. Simply install them into your build, and you won’t have to worry about insects coming through your windows. Just be sure to buy the right size for your van.

Living on the road doesn’t have to mean leaving creature comforts behind. There are ways to enjoy your small comforts while still living minimally and sustainably.

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