Finding out you’re pregnant with your first child is one of the most exciting and magical times in a young woman’s life. From picking names and designing the nursery to getting your first ultrasounds and telling your loved ones, there’s no end to the happiness you feel when preparing for your new arrival. However, it’s important to remember that the preparations aren’t all fun. In fact, there are plenty of rigorous tasks to complete as well in the nine months to come. So if you’re expecting a baby soon, make sure to complete at least the basics of this pregnancy to-do list.
Start Prenatal Care
Setting up your first doctor’s appointment and getting started on your prenatal vitamins should be among your top priorities after discovering you’re pregnant. These supplements will provide your body with extra nutrients to help you carry your child to term and ensure that they’re getting the building blocks they need to be healthy. Additionally, regular visits to your doctor will allow you to monitor your child’s growth and get useful advice throughout the pregnancy.
Create a Baby Budget
Make sure that you’re also setting aside the time to put together a baby budget. While it isn’t necessarily fun to think about the financial aspect of raising a child, the costs of clothing, food, and diapers can surely add up. Preparing for the sudden increase in expenses is essential for navigating the transition into parenthood smoothly.
Buy Maternity Clothes
The next step on your pregnancy to-do list should be to find some maternity clothes that will keep you comfortable. As you progress into the middle and later stages of your pregnancy, you’ll quickly discover that your old clothes are no longer going to cut it. Therefore, you’ll need to find items that keep you supported without becoming too tight after a couple more weeks.
Decorate Your Nursery
Around the 18-week mark, you should begin the initial planning and designing process for your baby’s nursery. This can be one of the most strenuous and stressful parts of your pregnancy, as it can feel like there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. Starting early and developing your own timeline for these preparations will ensure that you can complete everything on time with a few extra days to enjoy it.
Gather Essential Care Supplies
When the nursery is finally complete, you can then begin filling it with all the baby care products you’re going to need. Remember, your baby will go through items like food and diapers very quickly. As such, it never hurts to stock up before they arrive. You should also purchase clothing of various sizes to keep up with your child as they grow.
Short and Sweet. Great post, truly summarizes all the essentials. During my first pregnancy, there was just so many things to think about, and simple guide like this will certainly help focus what is important.