Lifestyle Parenting

Taking Care of Unwell Loved Ones

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Facing ill health is one of life’s challenges. Hopefully, you and your loved ones won’t experience this often. But if you find that someone you live with, or someone who is dependent on you, becomes unwell, you’re going to have to step up to the plate and do what you can to make their recovery as comfortable as possible for them. Taking care of a loved one can feel like a huge responsibility, but all in all, your efforts will be appreciated and more than worth it. Here are a few things you can do to make sure that you can care for your loved one – child, adult or elderly – as best possible.

Determine How Long They Will Need Care For

You should start out by determining how long your loved one will need to be cared for. This will allow you to put an appropriate plan in place that fits around your lifestyle. If they just have an allergy, a cold or another mild illness, you may only need to care for them for a week or two – and not full time. If they are recovering from a surgery, this period of time may be extended. If they are experiencing chronic conditions that require much higher levels of care, you may then need to determine whether you are able to become a full time carer, or if you could both better benefit from things like in-home care and therapy from a third party. You can click here to learn more about this.

Ensure They Are Comfortable

A big step in helping someone recover well is to ensure that they are comfortable. Rather than struggling with, or worrying about, routine day to day tasks, you could remove these challenges from your loved one’s life until they are better. Consider small gestures, such as picking up their food shopping for them, checking in and doing their household chores and ensuring they have everything they need.

Manage Medication

If your loved one requires medication, or treatment such as changing bandages and dressings, you could also help with this. Check what the doctor has requested they do to get better and come up with some sort of schedule or time table to stick to these recommendations. Alarms or alerts, a diary and things like pill organisers can help with this.

Check Their Mental and Emotional Health

Recovering from illness or injury is physically draining. But it can have an impact on people’s mental and emotional health too. So, make sure to check in on how they’re feeling. Have conversations with them – some people will want to talk about their condition, others won’t. If you have any concerns about their mental or emotional health, you may want to refer them to a doctor or therapist who could diagnose any underlying conditions and help them further.

These are just a few steps you can take to effectively care for a loved one who is unwell. Hopefully, you won’t find yourself in need of this advice, but some of the tips could come in useful someday, so keep them in the back of your mind.

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