Allergy season in East Tennessee can be brutal. It’s this time of year that people walk around with watery itchy eyes, runny red noses and sore scratchy throats. I’ve experienced all three of these things this week. While some people’s allergy symptoms are lasting weeks or months mine have only lasted a few days. So do you want to know how I’ve beat my seasonal allergies? I’ll give you one hint. The allergy medication didn’t work.

Essential oils have saved me this allergy season.

I have used 3 different essential oils this allergy season that have made a world of difference.

Eucalyptus Oil


Lavender Oil


Peppermint Oil


Using these three oils and a nightly neti pot routine has cleared my allergies right up within a week. If you would like to learn more about the many benefits of essential oils feel free to contact me. I would be happy to tell you more!


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  1. These are great all natural remedies! I use lavender for headaches and i am so happy to not take pills.

  2. thanks for sharing!! Love natural remedies.

  3. I JUST got some essential oils today and I’m trying to figure out all of the uses! My husband has allergies, so I’ll have to use some of these tips.

  4. I have heard a lot about essential oils for cleaning but never for allergies. At this point I am willing to try anything. I do know neti pots are a gift from heaven, I don’t know what I would do without mine. Thanks for sharing the information on the oils, there’s hope for me yet it seems.

  5. I love lavender. Actually, I use it for my pillow when I sleep at night. 🙂

  6. Thanks for sharing. I love essential oil . It alway make me feel good and relax.

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