Southwest Adventure Wish List

We have a big vacation planned the day after Christmas. We are flying out west to go on a tour of the southwest. Shhh…it’s a secret. We aren’t letting the cat out of the bag to our kids until Christmas morning. We are surprising them with new carry on luggage, airline tickets, spending money and a note telling them to pack up because we are leaving tomorrow. So here is our southwest adventure wish list.

Phoenix, AZ

We will be flying in and out of Phoenix and visiting for a few days. My husband and I both have family in Phoenix. The kids will be thrilled to get to visit with their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. 

Sedona, AZ


I can’t wait to show my family red rock country. We are planning on doing some hiking and site seeing and we might even do some yoga. 

Flagstaff, AZ

If the weather permits we are going to stop in Flagstaff. This is a beautiful mountain town with lots to do. I especially want to take the kids to the observatory for some star gazing.

Grand Canyon

We can’t go to the southwest without visiting the Grand Canyon. Apparently December is a fantastic time to visit the Grand Canyon because the crowds are so much smaller. And who doesn’t want to see snow at the Grand Canyon?

Grand Staircase Escalanate

This is a place I had never heard of until we were looking at places on the map. My husband decided after looking at pictures that we couldn’t miss visiting this landmark.

Zion National Park

I can’t wait to visit Zion National Park. This looks like a park that is filled with beautiful rock formations, canyons and hiking adventures. 

Las Vegas

Not only are we going to Vegas, but we are spending New Years in Vegas. This is going to be quite an adventure. 

Joshua Tree

On our way back down to Phoenix we are going to check our Joshua Tree. I mean we can’t go out west without dropping in California. 

So I want to hear from you. Out of the places I have on my list what are some landmarks, hikes, shops and restaurants that I don’t want to miss?

22 thoughts on “Southwest Adventure Wish List”

  1. I would love to just make one huge trip out of all of these one day. I love that part of the country, and I think it would be such an adventure.

  2. This post has reminded me of my trip to America 2 years ago, I love the Joshua trees and Grand Canyon, stopped for few pictures with those dessert trees. It was an absolutely breathtaking view for us since we never have seen anything like that from where we live in Asia.

  3. catherine santiago jose

    After reading this, I’ve already jot it down on my travel list. It’s beautiful

  4. Natasha Romero Salas

    Wow! The photo in Flagstaff, Arizona is incredible. I hope to catch something as magical as that.

  5. What a surprise that will be for your kids! I really love this idea! This will be a Christmas they will never forget!

  6. I’ve heard amazing things about Arizona. A friend moved there last year to be closer to family. So happy for her because she loves traveling. Sharing this and asking her if she’s seen these sights yet.

  7. I’ve been to Vegas but never visited the Grand Canyon. I’ve also visited Scottsdale, which had me flying into Pheonix, but never visited anything within.

  8. I’ve been to Vegas but never visited the Grand Canyon. I’ve also visited Scottsdale, which had me flying into Pheonix, but never visited anything within. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Beautiful photos, I’ve never been to Arizona. My dad lives in Sierra Vista, it’ll give me an even more reason to go see him and these amazing landmarks

  10. I’ve been to both Vegas and the Grand Canyon!!! Both are such fun places! I even took a helicopter from Vegas to the canyon. Such a neat experience

  11. After this postI also added these places to my wish list. I’ve always wanted to see Joshua Tree and these big cacti up close.

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