Self Reflection: Is It Time To Make A Change?
self reflection

Personal growth is essential throughout our lives. Over the decades, we change dramatically. Who we were in our twenties, is not who we become in our thirties. Self-reflection is hard, but it is imperative that we regularly take personal reviews and then work hard on ourselves to improve our mental health. 

There are lots of events that can force us to reflect. Relationships often make us question things within. The people we love see us in a different light, and while your partner’s views may not always be right, we must listen and digest how we make others feel. 

It doesn’t have to be a lonely process, talking to a counsellor or trusted family member can help you to work out your emotions and take an honest inner look at who you are as a person. It is important to remember that this is your journey, however. Although it’s important to accept how the world sees you, that is only part of the journey. Some of their views you won’t want or need to change. This process is purely about you and whom you want to be.

Being honest with yourself is incredibly hard and will take a lot of strength to do. If you decide there are things you want to change, it will be even more challenging and take incredible dedication. 

Make a list of all the pros and cons of yourself. Write everything down that makes you the human you are, even the bits you don’t like. Then take a good look at the list of cons. As no human is perfect, you should expect that these are all parts of who you are. You need to acknowledge and accept them. However, some of your cons will stand out, and these are the parts of you that you deeply want to change. 

Perhaps one of your issues is that you know you drink too much. This could be causing real problems in your personal life and having a significant impact on your own happiness. You have the power to change this if it is what you want. You can take these steps on your own, or if you feel you need to seek out a retreat such as Lake Wellness Center and use this time to dig deeper into your relationship with alcohol. 

Aside from bad habits, there may be other issues you discover through your self-reflection. Sometimes when we are breaking ourselves down, we may realise that what we see as a strength, can come across to others as being cold or stubborn. Perhaps you are anxious a lot of the time, and this leads to you cancelling plans and letting your friends down. If you aren’t ready to face your family with how you feel, you could start by watching speakers on Ted Talks. These videos cover almost every subject you can think of and are inspiring, they can help you make small changes in the way you handle situations, or help you open up to people about your fears and concerns.

Self-reflection is a practice we need to engage with to be able to grow into the person we are meant to be. 

Self Reflection: Is It Time To Make A Change?

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  1. I think the current pandemic is a life event that is bringing about a lot of self-reflection, at least it is for me!

  2. I have been doing a lot of self reflection during my time of staying home with the pandemic. Its important for everyone to do.

  3. So much self reflection after having kids! Really puts into perspective the things you want to teach or pass on!

  4. I so agree! It’s always great to evaluate your self and change things!

  5. Change is always necessary for growing as a person! Self awareness too!

  6. This is a good time to reflect and think about our lives. These are all good thoughts!

  7. I’ve been questioning a lot … maybe it’s the virus but thanks for sharing self reflection is needed to make changes

  8. Constantly reflecting upon the life, because it’s changing and we are evolving, becoming better. First marriage, then kids, now this covid.

  9. Self reflection is definitely very important to understand our own feelings and concerns.

  10. Change is difficult, but necessary!

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