Healthy Living Lifestyle

Reflecting on 2015 and 2016 Goals



It has taken me quite some time to build myself up to write this post. 2015 was a very challenging year and I’ve had a really hard time focusing on the positive while learning from the negative. But that’s what I’m going to do with this post.

2015 started off with one of the biggest challenges that I’ve faced. It was one of those challenges that forced me to learn a lot about myself (the good and the bad) and take the entire year to figure out how to better communicate and find a balance between taking care of myself and others. It wasn’t easy and it’s something that I’m going to have to continue to work on. With that major challenge out there I had some major accomplishments last year. Here are just a few of them:

  1. I ran my first half marathon and I didn’t die!
  2. I got to meet and make some amazing life long friends at Beachbody Summit.
  3. I was able to figure out how to better monetize my blog.
  4. I went through Co.Starters which not only taught me how to be a better business person, but lead me to some amazing fellow entrepreneurs in Knoxville.
  5. With the help of my husband, we started a 360 video production service as a part of my business.
  6. I learned how to stitch 360 video.
  7. I didn’t give up on my business or my blog when times got tough.

Now that 2015 is behind us I’m very optimistic about 2016. It’s going to be a huge year. While I’m not a person who likes resolutions the structured side of me has decided to set some goals for myself. Not generic goals. Really specific goals, both business and personal. Here are just a few of my goals for 2016:

  1. Run the half marathon again with a better time than last year.
  2. Run a full marathon before the end of the year.
  3. Help at least 30 people improve their health through my 365 Days to a Healthier You challenge.
  4. Spend no more than 10 hours a week working on my blog.
  5. Find at least 10 guest contributors for my blog.
  6. Spend the evenings after dinner time technology free with the family.
  7. Learn Adobe After Effects inside and out.
  8. Create a solid business plan for 360 video production and virtual reality development.
  9. Meditate at least 10 minutes everyday.
  10. Spend 10 minutes per day on personal development everyday.

I have so many more goals I’ve set for myself for each area of my life. These are just a few of my goals. I’m looking forward to making this year awesome. It has to be better than last year, right?!
Here’s to a happy and prosperous new year! So tell me. What are some of your goals for 2016? And what were some of your favorite moments from 2015?

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