washington dc

washington dc

When I was pregnant I got all kinds of advice and warnings about becoming a mom. People would tell me that I wouldn’t get 4 consecutive hours of sleep until the kids started school. I was told how fast my children would grow up and to cherish every moment. I was warned about every food, sunscreen and baby proofing thing you could think of, if back then the taotronics humidifier would have existed I would have probably gotten it. But not once, did anyone give me a heads up about the thing I am about to endure with my oldest child.

Not one person told me how hard it was going to be the first time you send your child away on a 4 day field trip. No one told me that I was going to have to let go and allow my 11-year-old to have her independence to go on this trip without myself or her father. Not one person warned me that not only would I have to let my daughter go, but I would only get to talk to her once a day while she is away.

This weekend I will be dropping my daughter off to ride on a bus with all of her friends to take a 12-hour drive up to Washington D.C. I still can’t believe she is old enough to be going on this trip. I knew this day was coming. I’ve watched for years as the 5th graders before her went on this trip thinking, “One day, that will be me sending my daughter on that trip.”

No matter how long I’ve known about this trip and no matter how long we’ve prepared for this trip, I still don’t feel ready. I’ve been to meetings, talked with the chaperones, and bought everything she needs for this trip and I’m still not ready to let go.

But bright and early Friday morning I’m going to give her a big hug and let her go knowing that she’ll be back in a few short days. And I’ll try my best not to let her see me cry as she gets on that bus. I think she’s seen me cry enough this year as she’s sailed through the 5th grade.

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  1. I remember watching the bus leave and sitting in the car crying the first time my baby went on a trip without me.

  2. I guess we never feel ready to let go…

  3. Aww I can see how this would be tough to do! Don’t have kiddos yet but I would struggle with that situation as well.

  4. No one can ever prepare you for motherhood and what is to come. It seems like you have done everything you can. I am dreading the day my kids get older and things like this come up!

  5. very touching…… thanks for sharing the story

  6. I feel like every day of momhood is a new challenge

  7. This was definitely a good read for me. I’m not experienced with kids.

  8. My kids aren’t quite old enough to go on long school trips like that. However, we have left them with grandparents for 3-day weekend trips before. The first few hours are fine… then it gets closer to night time and you start wondering if they will be able to sleep okay in a different place away from you. Casually texting to check up on things without coming across as an overly paranoid parent. Then relieved to know they are okay and having a great time.

  9. I have this to come! Not looking forward to it at all!

  10. It’s very very difficult! I remember my baby sister’s first day of school – my mom cried for an hour after she left.

  11. Oh, I remember how my mom cried on the first day of my sister’s school. It’s hard!

  12. You have got some serious and important advices here!

  13. Yes, exactly the same thing when my son had his first trip. We, moms are the same so to speak LOL

  14. I can only imagine how tough motherhood can be. Thank you for sharing how you feel!

  15. my personal favorite was always the advice you get from currently childless

  16. I also had a terrible experience when my younger daughter spent two nights at my sister’s place. Her mom was fine…but I missed her!

  17. As I transition from the daughter role into being a mom one day, it is kinda scary to read all these posts! But at the same time good to know. Thank you for sharing your perspective on sleepovers and stuff 🙂

  18. I think this article is 6 years too late for me hahahaha
    How I wish I read it early on

  19. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. I feel this will be me once it’s time for the kids to get a taste of independence. Don’t want to think about it now, but it’s inevitable.

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