woman slicing gourd

As you get older, have children, change jobs, and encounter other stressors in life – it is easy to let your health slide a little bit. 

Ironically this is the exact time you should be taking the most care of your health. Your children and other family members rely on you to be healthy at all times. 

So if you have let your health slide and want to get back on track, here are some tips to help you do so. 

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash


There are only a few things as good as a regular activity when it comes to your health. It keeps your heart pumping, the blood flowing around your body, and, in general, makes you feel great. 

The first step to getting in at least 30 minutes of activity every day is to find an activity you love to do. It could be a static bike, or perhaps a HIIT youtube video from the comfort of your own home. 

Just keep in mind that if you are choosing to run or jog outside, you should take precautions like a light reflective vest, supportive sneakers and a route tracker. It’s not uncommon for runners to be hit by cars and bikes, so always keep in mind that you can speak to a personal injury attorney if anything happens. 


A little bit of what you love isn’t going to hurt you, but a lot can kill you. It might sound drastic, but if you are a lover of fatty, fried foods and favour that over other food items, it can be a recipe for disaster. 

Faddy diets can be a great way to kick start you on the path to better eating, but you need to educate yourself on the basics of nutrition

Ensure that you have fruits and/or vegetables as part of every meal, and start to pay attention to the nutritional labels. 

Some health foods and snacks aren’t as good for you as the adverts might make you believe. 

UV Rays

Most people love to sit in the sunshine for as long as possible, but many do this without any protection. Skin damage starts early in childhood, and as we get older, we double down on the impact. 

UV rays cause ageing of the skin, but they can lead to skin cancer. The peak time for the sun is between 10 am and 4 pm, and it is during these hours that most people will get sunburn. 

So add extra SPF as often as possible, wear a hat that covers your face and neck where possible. 

Regular checkups

In all of our busyness in life, it is not uncommon for parents to skip out on essential screenings and GP checkups. That sore wrist will remain unchecked, and the humming in the ear might be around for a little bit too long. 

It is vital that in the quest to protect your health and be around as your children and grandchildren grow, you get regular checkups. 

If you are a busy parent, just trying to fit everything in, here is a quick set of tips to help: How Busy Parents Can Find the Time To Exercise

Protecting Your Health

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