Healthy Living Lifestyle

Nature Made 30 Healthy Days

Nature Made

This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

nature made

Sometimes life throws you the unexpected at the worst possible time. For us, live threw us the flu the week before Spring break. It all started with my 5 year old and I getting the flu on the same day. Just as we were getting better after just 3 short days, BAM!, my daughter gets the flu and then the next day it takes down my husband. Even with all of this going on life also happens to throw us the right opportunities. For us, right around flu season we have been given the opportunity to participate in the Nature Made 30 Day Healthy Habit Builder campaign. 

As weak as I was with my flu I decided I needed to throw everything I could think of at the flu to knock this out of our system as fast as possible. So I drug myself out to the store at the advice of a doctor friend and got some vitamin c and zinc to try to boost our immune systems. I couldn’t wait to see what Nature Made would have to offer.

The kids can’t swallow pills yet so I found some amazing Vitamelt tablets for them to take. They are orange flavored vitamin c tablets and the kids actually didn’t argue about taking them and actually seem to enjoy the taste. Win!!

Nature Made

Day 1 into spring break and we are all feeling much better. We all have a little bit of lingering coughs, but we’re not going to let that stop us from enjoying our spring break.

What are your flu busting tips? Is the flu as rampant in your community as it has been for us?

I would love to encourage my readers to stay a step ahead of the flu this season by joining the 30 Day Healthy Habit Builder challenge. Some daily habits to help boost your immune system include daily exercise, taking daily vitamin supplements, getting outside in the sunshine a little bit everyday and drinking plenty of natural water.

I-C will randomly select 20 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes.

Nature Made Wellness 4

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