Natural Ways To Cleanse Your New Home
Natural Ways To Cleanse Your New Home

If you have just purchased a new house, you will want to be sure that it is rid of any negative energies and that it is ready for you to live in. Some people like to be less conventional and use sage or palo santo or crystals, whilst others may just use good old fashioned soap and water but really if you’re moving into a brand new home, you want to make the most of it and have it clean and ready for the whole family. If you have just bought a beautiful terrace house, you will want to ensure that things are just right. 

So take a deep breath, do some guided meditation and begin your exciting new journey. 

Natural Products To Cleanse Your Home That Are Good For The Planet 


Vinegar can be used to descale the kettle as well as the shower and other surfaces. You can begin with covering the element with it and boil which will help clean the bad surfaces. 

Olive Oil?

Any type of unflavoured olive oil will do for the job and the properties are incredible. Daba a little onto a cloth, polish gently over the surface and leave it to dry for a while. You can also add a little lemon juice over also which will cleanse further and leave it smelling great.  One squeeze of lemon for each quarter of a cup can be the best option.

Castile soap?

Castile soap can be used as laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, floor cleaning alternatives or even for your hair! The floors of your house are going to be very important to keep clean, so for this alone, take 1/4 cup of vinegar to your bucket of hot water and a generous squeeze of castile soap. 

Tea Tree Oil? 

To get rid of pesky mould and mildew (in older houses this will be more prevalent), you can fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mix. Leave it to infuse, spritz it around and cleanse with warm water and cloth. 

Purify Your Home To Rid Of Bad Energies

Although some may not believe in this, bad energies can occur anywhere and they can hinder productivity. It doesn’t mean you have to sit all day at an altar cleansing your home but it does mean you can choose certain products to help fight these off. 

  • Indoor plants can help- just like being outside, indoor plants will help our natural air and also release aromas that could reduce stress. Houseplants incorporate those good properties inside your home. 
  • Beeswax Candles – these can be a nice addition to any home and they are sustainable also! 
  • Essential Oils- many essential oils are good for productivity and lifting your mood and making your new home smell great. Eucalyptus, peppermint oil, lavender for calm and plenty more will enhance your home’s natural state.
  • Clean Air Filters – you can add these to your systems or buy a humidifier separately but either way you will see some benefits in the air quality relatively quickly and they really can help with allergies and long term respiratory issues. 
  • Ceiling Fans – these can cool and refresh the air and are good in summer or if you know you live in a warm climate all year round. This will be essential. 
  • Clean windows often – windows are a prime systepect for harbouring germs and other things such as mould and mildew and by keeping them clean you can stop the spread of it and also keep things feeling fresher and more positive generally. 
  • Salt Lamps – these can help cleanse the air and they look beautiful. Their glow has a calming effect on the body and it really is a lovely addition to any home. 
  • Sage – if you enjoy burning incense then sage could be the next step. It has a lot of healing properties and smells like sage and burning wood mixed together but it could really be a nice addition to a house to help rid it of bad energies. 

So there you have it, some tips and ideas to help your home start feeling more like a cleansed and fresher space whilst ensuring that it is rid of bad energies and you are ready to start a life. There are so many beautiful places to buy a home but once you have bought it you want to ensure that it is ready to live in and that the space feels right for you. This may take time but eventually it will feel like home. 

Natural Ways to Cleanse Your New Home

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  1. This is great, I will need this fr my new home. Also great thing to cleanse the house when you move in is sage, you can burn it in the house to get rid of negative energies and cleanse the new home . 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing this as we really need to switch to environment friendly products.

  3. Yes we have to ppurify our homes not only because of bad energy we havevto do it to stay healthy.

  4. Brandi Jo Little, Author

    Thanks for all of these tips! A clean home is a happy home. 🙂

  5. My husband and I were just discussing this! We ned to get to it. Thanks for sharing

  6. great sharing to cleasing with natural ways, love the tips shared & am gonna start practising it. Yeah! Less chemical usage. Cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  7. I love cleaning with white vinegar, who knew it was so useful! I use it neat but also mixed with water for mirrors and in the shower!

  8. Thank you for these great tips on how to cleanse a new home. This is very helpful.

  9. Great tips! Now, we really need to keep everything clean and virus free. The COVID-19 is so scary. Stay safe everyone!

  10. my in-laws like to use lemon and vinegar to clean their home and car. They think it’s the most natural way to clean and purify.

  11. Natural cleansers are always best thanks for sharing would love to use some of these

  12. Amid the corona scare, everyone is super attentive of the fact to keep their home cleansed. These tips can be very useful. I am gonna try it and share it with near ones too.

  13. Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂 very informative

  14. very informative Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂

  15. This is totally needed right now ! Love essential oils, they are always my go to!

  16. These are some great tips. I think I need to start using some of the natural resources to clean the house.

  17. Awesome tips about cleansing home I have an idea from you and I would apply this on my house. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Thank you for these tips! Will surely take note when I move.

  19. These are some very useful suggestions, especially since some of these are things easily found around the home that we can use! Thank you!

  20. These are some great suggestions. Thank you!

  21. I am down to purify my home any way possible now. I am cleaning and disinfecting everything. I would rather get a work out cleaning my house from top to bottom. Than to risk anything. Bad juju or our health. It needs to be done no matter what. Thank you for sharing these great tips.

  22. I’m a firm believer in diffusing essential oils within the home all the time, so I’m surprised that I didn’t think to use essential oils to cleanse our home once we first bought it.

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