Many people use meditation for stress relief in their day to day life Stress and anxiety often stems from insecurities in your life. When you feel like you aren’t good enough that often leads to bad habits such as bad eating, poor exercise, lack of sleep and sometimes drug use.
It is possible to curb these negative behaviors and start working on those insecurities with meditation.
Recognizing Your Inner Voice
Everyone has an inner voice. It’s the voice that plays in your head from the moment you wake up until you go back to bed. Sometimes that voice is loving and kind and other times not so much.
Most people struggle with their inner voice. That inner voice often leads to thoughts that give you stress and anxiety. This is the same voice making you feel like you aren’t good enough.
There are times when your inner voice can be helpful. For example, if you start the morning off on the wrong foot and snap at your kids, your inner voice will tell you to apologize. This will allow your morning to get back on track so that you and your kids can have a good day.
Dealing with Your Inner Voice
When you struggle with that negative inner voice sometimes you react by avoiding problems. Sometimes this leads to negative behaviors like heavy drinking or drug use.
These behaviors don’t make the inner voice go away. It actually makes things worse.
Quieting Your Inner Voice
Meditation has been found to be one of the most effective ways to deal with stress and anxiety.
Meditation isn’t a cure all, but it is certainly a step in the right direction in dealing with stress and anxiety.
News anchor Dan Harris was so inspired by how much meditation helped him that he wrote a book about his experience. He titled it, 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story. You can find it at your local bookstore or online.
Dan did an interview with Big Think, during this interview he says, “I always thought that meditation was ridiculous. Now I’m a daily meditator and even worse, I’m a public evangelist for meditation.”
It’s taken some practice to quiet the mind but amazing once you can spend time to focus on this
Such great points! I am starting to get more and more into calming my inner voice and bring more higher frequency thoughts! Attracting positive things in life by hushing the negative self talk. I plan on doing more meditation and hopefully start yoga too!
This post is very timely. Just exactly what I needed. I have been so stressed lately due to work load and some personal matters. Thank you for sharing these tips. will try to include meditation in my early morning routine.
I may just have to add this element into my life. I already do yoga to have my “me” time and exercise. That would be an added bonus to my time. Thanks for the awesome info!
I love meditating when I am feeling stressed. It really helps me calm my mind, body and soul. Thanks for the reminder to continue to use this method to help me with my stress. Life gets so busy and sometimes I forget about me.
Thanks for sharing this. Pausing to take stock and think about our motivation for doing these things is so important. This was a great read, thanks
thank you for this. I’m getting ready to end my day and this has definitely helped. I’ve just started meditating consistently this year and I’ve noticed a difference.
Great Article ! Its very similar to something I came across a while back. A few people I know tried it as well and they say it worked like magic ! Hope it helps others too .