Lifestyle Healthy Living Relax

Meditation Brainwashing



As my husband and I have come to the end of our 8-week meditation class, we have both agreed that meditation is the ultimate brainwashing. I have to give my husband credit for the realization. After he finished his 30-minute meditation last night, he told me his mind felt so clear and rejuvenated. He said he felt like his brain had been completely washed after his meditation.

I can completely relate to this brainwashing feeling. I know brainwashing is normally meant to be a negative thing. But when it comes to how you feel after meditation this is a very positive thing. Imagine being completely overwhelmed and stressed. You have a million things running through your mind and an endless to-do list.

Now imagine just closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing, mantra or whatever it is you choose to focus on. As you focus deeper within, the craziness of the outside world seems to melt away momentarily. You can finally feel calm and relaxed.

Now don’t get me wrong. When you open your eyes and come out of your meditation, your to-do list is still there and the demands of the day are still waiting for you. But your mind has been cleansed just long enough so that you can take on the day with focus and clarity. The stressors of the day can roll off of you and not bog you down.

This is one of the many beautiful things I have experience in the time that I have been meditating this year. I’m so thankful for my meditation instructor and classmates. This class has been truly life changing in so many ways. As I continue my meditation practice, I’m looking forward to seeing the many unexpected moments of clarity.

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