There’s a voice that is always there. This voice guides us, counsels us and gives us lots of invaluable hints. And yet many of us actively choose to ignore it. This voice is our body, which is always talking to us. Each day, we get a physical dialogue with important clues about our health and wellbeing. Many of us tune it out as we get immersed into our busy lives, but if we ignore the warning signs for too long, it can spell disaster. Little health issues can blossom into larger ones quickly if left unattended. And yet, tuning back in to our bodies and beginning to understand what they’re telling us can be absolutely transformative for both mental and physical health. So if you’ve been ignoring what your body is trying to tell you for so long, how do you tune back into yourself and start taking better care of the details?
If You Have…Constant Indigestion
Many people live with constant low-level stomach complaints, ranging from not feeling quite right in a vague way to a loss of appetite, but often we choose to write it off. Stomach complaints can feel hard to get to the bottom of, but the simple fact is that most of us simply eat too much of the wrong things. Modern diets are saturated with processed foods high in added sugar and salt that are no good for our bodies, and we add to it by drinking too much caffeine and fizzy drinks. The result? We end up really upsetting our gut microbiome – the delicate balance of flora which plays a key role in regulating our health. Scientists are increasingly proving what a comprehensive role this has in our overall wellbeing, affecting everything from our mental health to our susceptibility to inflammatory disease. Get things back in balance by adding a probiotic supplement to your diets or eating more naturally fermented foods such as kombucha or kefir. You may be surprised how much better this makes you feel.
If You Are…Always Squinting
Uncorrected vision is also responsible for a host of problems, including debilitating headaches, so if you haven’t had an eye test lately, book one in – especially if you work with screens a lot. Many of us don’t want to admit that we have less than perfect vision, but with such a wide range of designer glasses available, wearing the right prescription lenses not only has a transformative effect on how we feel, it can add to our look as well.
If You Are…Always Tired
Fatigue is an epidemic in modern society. More and more people suffer from regular sleeplessness or poor quality sleep, leaving them struggling to concentrate and too tired for exercise after a day’s work. Remedy this by focusing on improving your sleep quality. Start by banning blue light emitting electronics from the bedroom, which are hugely disruptive. Reset your body’s circadian rhythms by ensuring you get at least 20 minutes outside in the middle of the day. And if you have trouble dropping off, try a meditation app, a relaxing bath or some lavender pillow spray to help you.
I find it hard to sleep on time. I guess i now know why 🙂
It’s hard to go out with my toddler in this climate.So i tend to stay in whole day. May be i should try the meditation apps to get relaxed and have a good night sleep. Thank you for the tips.
This is a great post! listening to my body is something I definitely want to be better at.
It sure can be hard to listen to my body when it’s being tugged on and pulled on and climbed on all day 😉 This is such a great reminder to tune in though. thank you!
As I get older I am definately listening to my body more. So many random things happen.
I went through the School of Natural Healing over 20 years ago and got my masters in herbology. I learned how to listen to my body through that and to take action when things are not right. I can only imagine how unhealthy I would be right now had I not listened these last 20 years. In the last few years I’ve not been listening like I should and was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.
It’s so easy to ignore the signals from my body when I am busy. I feel like I don’t have time to exercise or stop and rest, and I struggle to eat better. You can only ignore the clues for so long before your body will rebel! Thanks for sharing!
I have been getting better at ready my body’s signals. For example, when I am super tired, I know I am fighting off a cold. Often I will wake up the next day with a sore throat. It is good to be in tune with our bodies.
Listening to your body is so cliche yet so so important! We are always running and doing and need to really slow down and listen.
I often ignore my body signals because I am too busy to stop and rest or get the exercise I need. I need to listen or I know I will regret it later! Thanks for the suggestions!
Thank you for this reminder. I believe I had been neglecting a lot of signals from my body and yes, it’s about time I schedule an eye test. I have been having frequent headaches and I believe that my eyeglasses are the culprit.