Home Life Lifestyle

Is Your Home Causing You Mobility Nightmares?

The sad truth about modern life is that some people can’t enjoy the things others take for granted. One such example is mobility. Many Americans find they can’t run, sprint, or even walk as well as they used to, or perhaps couldn’t from birth.

If you’ve got mobility issues, you’ll likely find it challenging to do many everyday things. You might even have problems with navigating your way around your home. If your abode is exacerbating your mobility problems, here are some ways to improve the situation:

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Have any unwanted items removed

Let’s face it: most people have items in their home that do nothing other than gather dust and take up valuable floor or wall space. If your home has lots of those things, it’s time to have them removed.

Doing so will make it easier for you to go in and out of each room in your home. Plus, it will significantly reduce the risk of hurting yourself, and your home will feel bigger and more open.

Get some home help

You want to lead as independent a life as possible, and one way to achieve that is by living in your house or apartment. The thing is, you may find there are some everyday tasks you cannot complete alone due to your limited mobility.

In those cases, it makes sense to consider some home help. It’s a similar service to home healthcare, except you’d have people helping you do the laundry or wash your dishes rather than administer your medicine or perform health checks on you.

You may have family members that could offer to help you in this way. But, if you don’t, it’s possible to hire people to come in and help you with specific everyday tasks.

Make external access easier

Do you use a walking stick, frame, or wheelchair? And do you struggle to get in and out of your home? If so, it’s time to address the problem by making your external access easier. You can hire building contractors to erect sloped paths instead of stairs, for example.

Or, you could have them install handrails to make it easier to balance yourself as you walk. If you live on a hill, you can even have an outdoor electric elevator installed to diminish any risk of falls.

There are countless ways to improve access to the exterior of your home. What’s more, they are easy to action and don’t involve selling your house to move somewhere else with level access.

Invest in accessible furniture

Last but not least, you should consider upgrading to more accessible furniture if you find it hard to sit down or get up from your couch or bed. There are many products available to purchase that got designed with mobility in mind.

For example, you can buy an electric reclining armchair that is easily adjustable and helps you stand up. Such chairs mean you no longer have to struggle to get up from a seated position.

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