Finding ways to save money is tough when you’re a parent. Not only do you need to cut back on expenses, but you also need to find ways to live a more eco-friendly life. Figuring out where to start can be challenging, but once you have some ideas, it becomes easy. If you need help saving money while being sustainable as a parent, here are some tips.
Buy a Water Bottle
Buying those plastic bottles of water is one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you want to save money and save the environment. Not only is there a massive markup on bottled water, but you’re also throwing away plastic after each bottle you drink. Consider opting for a metal water bottle like the ones made by Hydroflask, as these are more sustainable and can help you save money and reduce waste.
Reduce Energy Use
A lot of the energy you use in your home is generated by fossil fuels, soone of the best eco-friendly things you can do at home is reduce energy usage where you can. Turning off lights when you’re not in the room and dialing your thermostat down a few degrees can make a huge difference. Not only does using less energy help the environment, but it also helps lower one of your biggest bills.
Save on Eco-Friendly Diapers
When you have a baby at home, you go through a lot of diapers. Most diaper brands focus more on absorbency and comfort than being eco-friendly. If you’re looking for a disposable diaper that won’t break the bank or destroy the environment, a diaper subscription from Eco Pea Co might be the best solution for you. You can have diapers delivered regularly, and you don’t have to worry about throwing them out since they’re made of sustainable bamboo.
Avoid Chemical-Filled Cleaners
Even if you only have one child, there are a lot of messes to clean up when you’re a parent. While many parents reach for Lysol and other big-name cleaners when there’s a mess, these cleaners are bad for your wallet, the environment, and your family. Avoid chemical-filled cleaners and try using natural solutions such as vinegar to clean your home. You can also opt for natural cleaning solutions from the store, although they tend to cost a bit more.
Make Your Home Green
If you really want to save money and go green, you can invest in solar panels to make your home more eco-friendly. Keep in mind that solar panels are a big upfront investment, but you’ll save a lot of money on monthly energy costs in the future. Solar panels are one of the best investments you can make if you want to go green in the long term.
Don’t Waste Water
One of the most important things you can do to protect the environment is limit the amount of water you use. Our water supply is limited, yet people waste water every day while washing the dishes, brushing their teeth, and watering the lawn. Opt for low-flow fixtures to save on your monthly water bill and teach your kids about conserving water.
Get Creative with Entertainment
Weather permitting, try getting creative with family entertainment and doing something a bit more eco-friendly. You can take a walk around town on a sunny day or have a picnic at a local park. The important thing is that you find a way to have fun without spending a fortune or having a negative impact on the environment.
Being a parent is hard work, especially if you’re trying to look after the environment too. The good news is, there are lots of ways to save money while being a green parent. Try some of these tips if you’re looking for ways to save money and do your part to be more eco-friendly.