Home Life

Helpful Tips To Make Laundry Day More Efficient

Helpful Tips To Make Laundry Day More Efficient

We all know that household chores can be a drag, especially when it comes to the tedious task of doing the laundry. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as we make it for ourselves. With a few practical strategies, you can make laundry day a breeze and free up more time to cross those other chores off your to-do list. Here are some helpful tips to make laundry day more efficient.

Get a Divided Hamper

First and foremost, get a divided hamper. Throwing all your dirty clothes in one bin seems convenient, but it creates more work for you in the long run when you have to sort your loads on laundry day. Instead, invest in a hamper with separate sections so your sorting is already taken care of before you even have to worry about it. You can use the various sections for lights, darks, delicates, etc.

Make a Priority Load

On the topic of separating laundry, it also helps to make a priority load. We recognize that some weeks are busier than others, and you might not always have the time to do all the laundry that has been piling up for the last several days. You might need to do a quick load so you have fresh clothes for work and the kids have clean outfits for school. In this case, setting aside a bin designated for priority clothing is beneficial. Ensure that you only put the most essential items into this bin to maintain the purpose of the priority basket.

Utilize Mesh Bags

Utilizing mesh bags that are safe for the washer and dryer is also beneficial. We’ve all struggled with the frustration of lost socks and trying to find matches, which is especially overwhelming in a full household. Therefore, giving each family member a special mesh basket for all their socks is a great idea. Then you can easily throw all the bags in with the laundry and not have to worry about figuring out whose socks are whose later.

Avoid Overloading

And, of course, you also want to avoid overloading your machines. Yes, we know cramming every ounce of clothing into one load is tempting. But resist the temptation. Putting too many clothes into the washer and dryer at once is one of the ways you could damage your appliances without knowing. Too large of a load will stress your machines unnecessarily and cause them to spin out of control. Revert back to your priority load if you have too busy a day to get it all done, but don’t overfill your machine and risk breaking it.

Fold Immediately

And finally, fold your clothes immediately after removing them from the dryer. Now and then, we all leave a pile of clean clothes to fold later when we get around to it. But this will only cause unnecessary clutter and likely result in some very wrinkly garments. It’s best to fold the clothes as soon as the drying cycle is complete so they stay fresh and ready to wear.

Now that you have a few effective tips for making laundry day easier, you can implement these strategies into your laundry routine. The more efficient your system is, the simpler this chore will be and the quicker you will complete it.

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