Are you in the throes of planning your wedding? Here are the best ways to ensure your guests love what is basically a massive party in your honour. 

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Think About Food

First, you do need to make sure that you offer your guests some great food choices. You should think about individual diet preferences here too. There are so many different diet possibilities these days that it’s always going to be difficult to cater to everyone. However, if you ensure that you have options for vegetarians and vegans you’ll be on the right track. You might think that vegetarian food is going to make your wedding cuisine bland but if you try options like homemade vegetarian stuffing, you’ll find that this certainly isn’t the case. 

Let Them Choose The Music

There’s nothing worse than a wedding reception or really any party with a poor selection of music. That’s why you should make sure that you are avoiding this particular pitfall completely. You can do that by guaranteeing that you let your guests choose the music instead. It’s possible to do this with wifi speakers so that your guests can connect their phone to them. The big benefit for you is that you’ll find it’s a far cheaper option compared to hiring a band. You’ll also get a more eclectic choice of different music choices as well which will ensure that your wedding doesn’t get dull. 

Fun And Games

In terms of games that your guests can play, you need to think outside the box just a little bit. It’s important to be adventurous with the games and activities, perhaps reverting back to your youth a little. If you do this, you’ll be able to guarantee that your guests have a great time until late in the evening. You could even hire different pieces of equipment that guests can use to keep themselves entertained like a photo booth. An awesome photo booth will give you some fun photos to look at too. 

Avoid The Pose 

Since we mentioned photos, it’s worth mentioning something that guests hate about weddings. That’s the constant need to post for photographs. You can avoid this issue by hiring a different type of wedding photographer. Modern wedding photographers can provide a documentary-style package. This means that they will interact with different guests at your wedding and take shots when they see wonderful opportunities. It can provide you with a way to see a completely different perspective of your wedding that you no doubt would have missed. 

Choose The Right Venue

Finally, if you want your guests to have a great time at your wedding, then you do need to make sure that you are choosing the right venue. If you fail to do this, then you can leave your guests stuck in a cramped and crowded space. That’s the last thing that they want and it’s probably something that you’d like to avoid as well. Ideally, you need to pick a venue with an outdoor space that they can enjoy. 

We hope this helps you understand everything that you need to know to ensure that your guests have a fantastic time. 

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1 Comment

  1. I’m having a hard time explaining that family that does nothing but judge and hate don’t need to come to the wedding just because they are family… Ugh!

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