I am grateful for all the good in my life. I experience wonderfulnew surprises and joy everyday.1

I am grateful for all the good in my life. I experience wonderfulnew surprises and joy everyday.1

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you have so many exciting things happen that by the end of the week you are just mentally tapped out? I think that’s how I am today. I am just checked out today. The day started out great. It’s a new day and a new month (my birthday month to be specific). Started out the morning by waking up early, but gently and doing some yoga. Even got the kids up and ready for school with no arguments. Went to the gym and got some major strength training in. But after I got home to get ready for work things just kind of started going down hill.

I slowly but surely got ready and went to the office. Got my to do list written and ready to be knocked out. And then that feeling of overwhelm came over me. So many exciting things have happened this week and I have so many potential opportunities that I’m starting to feel a little cloudy. So how do I handle things when I get overwhelmed?

  1. Meditate
    There is nothing that will clear a cloudy, overwhelmed mind like a good meditation session. It doesn’t have to take long. 10 minutes is the most I can normally do.
  2. Write
    Just sitting down to write this blog post has helped me get back in the groove. I didn’t even intend to write about this topic. I had a totally different topic planned out today. But when I sat down to write this is what came out. So there you have it!
  3. Do a few small short tasks
    Short easy tasks that take no more than 10 minutes to complete will give you that sensation of accomplishment and get you ready to take on the bigger tasks.

I hope this post helps you all! So what are some things that you do when you are in a funk?

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  1. We all have at least 1 day a week that we have that feeling “too” excited about things that happen. For me, meditation and a bubble bath with essential oils work. Keep it up with the great work!


    1. Thanks Zaria!! I’ve been forgetting about my essential oils a lot lately. Luckily my 10 year old reminded me and has started asking me to diffuse again. Love my little hippy girl!

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