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Fixing Your Health: The Advice Every Almost-40-Year Old Needs To Hear!

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The milestones of approaching a new decade usually mean that we have to get to grips with our mortality. And if you are approaching 40, you may be noticing some of the signs of wear and tear, especially if we haven’t focused on being healthy when we were younger. But when we are on approach to 40, for many people, this usually means having some sort of midlife crisis, but rather than thinking that it’s all downhill from here, it’s about making sure that you take a little bit of stock in your life, and understanding what it needs to venture into middle age and beyond. So let’s show you some key things that you need to check. 

Your Eye and Ear Health

If you haven’t had a hearing test, now would be the ideal time. You might be surprised about the common causes of hearing loss, but you can learn more about them here. The fact is that if we are going to keep track of our health, we have to make sure these two components are in check. 

Having regular hearing tests and eye tests means that you’re just going to be able to function better. Some people avoid going for hearing tests or eye tests because they are too young, and while you may think that your hearing or vision is 20/20, a test is just going to provide you with that reassurance. 

Changing Your Attitudes to Exercise and Rest

If you didn’t particularly pay attention to exercise in your twenties or even your thirties, you may think that you need to make up for lost time. Exercise is beneficial for your body, but the important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t overdo it, thinking that more is better. This is why many people run the risk of overtraining. 

There are many signs of overtraining, and if you are doing too much and not letting your body recover, you’re not going to feel the benefits. We shouldn’t feel exhausted after hitting the gym all of the time. As important as it is to exercise, you need to space out your intense workouts. Ideally, you should have only one a week, and fill up the rest of your time with active recovery. This could mean having walks, or doing light exercise, but without feeling that intense pain that comes with any hard-hitting workout. 

Also, rest is not just something that will help you to recover, but it’s something that you should prioritize. Sleep is one of those things that everybody knows they need to get more of, but seldom do. The best thing for you to do is to go to sleep and wake up at the same time seven days a week. Do this, and make sure that there are no artificial lights in your room just before bedtime, and you will have good quality sleep, so you can recover as best as you can.

Addressing Mental Health

As we get older, we could find ourselves feeling that we need to embody a certain stoic attitude. Mental illness, whether it’s anxiety or severe depression, needs to be checked out by a health professional. You could find that you have many symptoms of anxiety, but are not aware of how to treat them. 

If you ever experience any signs of anxiety and do not know how to best treat it, going to a professional can help you take the important steps. But anxiety can be a small part of a bigger issue. If you do not have practices in your life that help you to curb anxiety, or you are living a lifestyle that does make you feel more stressed, you need to get this in place. Remember, chronic anxiety is not just going to stop us from having a better life, but it can predispose us to a number of chronic diseases. 

It is important that we are happy. And this modern world where we feel we’ve got to be on the go can stop us from smelling the roses and appreciating the smaller things. It’s important as we get older, that we enter every new year with an increasing sense of happiness.

Some people may feel that hitting 40 is not going to give them any sense of rejuvenation. But as they say, life begins at 40. And if you are hoping to enter the next decade with a better attitude, a healthier lifestyle, and a stronger body, you need to make sure your health is in check.

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