Festive Ways To Get Into the Holiday Spirit

Everyone loves the holidays. After all, it’s called “the most wonderful time of the year” for a reason! However, it’s sometimes hard to get into the right mindset after a year full of stress and hardship. Here are some festive ways to get into the holiday spirit if you need some help rediscovering your love for the season.

Throw a Party

There is nothing quite like a good old Christmas party. This is the perfect time to reconnect with friends and bust out all your favorite holiday décor items. Throwing a party will kickstart your holiday cheer in a fun and social way. Lean into the theme with a Christmas playlist, cookie decoration stations, and a potluck full of traditional holiday meals that all your guests can enjoy.

Start a New Tradition

Holidays usually involve traditions that family members pass down to younger generations. However, those traditions had to start somewhere, so why not make one of your own? Recreate that magical feeling you had as a child with your kids by establishing holiday practices that are unique to your special family.

Read a Christmas Classic

Sharing a holiday-themed story is another festive way to get into the holiday spirit that many people forget. Classic novels, like A Christmas Carol, are crowd favorites, and children love picture books, like The Polar Express, to jumpstart their Christmas cheer. Of course, curling up with a warm blanket and a recent holiday release is perfectly acceptable if you’re looking for some alone time this season.

Give Back

Spreading joy and cheer is the reason for the season. The best way to accomplish this is by giving back to those less fortunate. You can donate useful winter items, like coats and mittens, to help clothe a family in need, or you can donate your time to a local organization. Getting your kids involved by encouraging them to donate old toys and books teaches them important values while improving someone else’s holiday.

It doesn’t take much to get into the holiday spirit, even if you’re feeling more like a grinch than usual. Make sure that you and your family have a Christmas to remember with any of these fun and festive activities.

Festive Ways To Get Into the Holiday Spirit

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  1. Movies, music, decorations all get me in the spirit. Giving back is also such a wonderful thing.

  2. Love all of these! We’re always looking for new and fun traditions.

  3. love these ideas.. definitely planning to get some holiday reading (and movie watching) done

  4. I love getting into the holiday spirit and taking advantage of as many winter and Christmas activities as possible. I’ll have to include some of these in our plans.

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