
Common Signs of Feeling Overworked and Tired

Common Signs of Feeling Overworked and Tired

You’ve spent most of your adult life putting in time and effort to become successful and feel fulfilled. Whether it’s being a full-time parent, working a stressful 40-hour job, or a mix of the two, your life can quickly become overwhelming and exhausting.

However, you’ve managed it well for several years until recently. You might have come to a burn-out period; the smallest tasks take extreme effort, you constantly feel tired, and you’ve fallen sick often. All signs point to feeling overworked. So let’s review common symptoms of feeling tired and overworked so that you can come back refreshed and ready to tackle your everyday tasks.

Consistent Lack of Energy

No matter how much rest you get or the number of breaks you take, you don’t seem to have the energy to perform as you previously have. Everything takes significant effort, such as picking up your children or sending an email.

Additionally, you feel like you can’t keep up with your ever-growing list of things to do. It’s a constant battle of waking up to everyday tasks and activities and a sense of dread.

Poor Sleep and Resting Anxiety

Another sign of feeling overworked and tired is the lack of proper sleep. Sleep is necessary and it benefits people; it reenergizes you, helps you focus, and keeps your immune system up.

However, not getting enough sleep can become a serious issue. It can stem from having difficulty relaxing and result in developing sleep anxiety. The sense of what’s potentially to come the following day can feel intimidating, resulting in poor sleep and daily performance. Poor sleep can also lead to a compromised immune system.

Difficulty Managing a Work-Life Balance

Finding a work-life balance is different for everyone, but you may feel like you can’t disconnect from work to focus on your children. It’s especially true when you struggle with work-life balance on vacations, as spending time with your family is harder when you have to answer emails and phone calls.

It can also be the opposite problem; you can’t focus on work due to your family’s needs, pushing you farther behind in your career. Having difficulty establishing your work-life balance can impact your stamina and focus.

Constantly Distracted With Everything

Getting distracted is a common sign of feeling overworked. It’s a constant struggle of needing to work but becoming involved in other things that aren’t a major priority, such as checking your social media or spacing out. Grounding yourself and focusing can become difficult as you lose motivation.

When you’ve become overworked and tired as a parent, it’s time to reevaluate everything in your life. Take the time to talk to your partner, family, or a specialist to help you get back on your feet. Even some personal TLC can shift your thought process. Don’t neglect yourself; put effort into your needs, too.

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