
Chantlanta celebrated its 10 year anniversary this year and we were there to celebrate with them. Chantlanta is a 3 day sacred music festival with a focus on music, service to the community and spiritual practices. During this festival there were a variety of workshops, chanting concerts and local vendors selling amazing crafts, art and services.

The thing that drew me to Chantlanta was the chanting headliner, Krishna Das. If you have never heard of Krishna Das you need to check him out on Youtube or Google Play. His music is amazing, energetic and inspiring. As I have been following his Youtube videos I have had in my mind that I would love to attend one of his concerts. When I found out he was going to be in Atlanta I knew I had to go to this festival.

I had no idea what I was in store for with this festival. We started our morning off with 5 Rhythms Dancing. Holy moly! What a way to start the day. This workshop started with some slow flowing moves to some nice and relaxing music. The music gradually increased in energy and so did the room. This room full of people eventually turned into a full blown ecstatic dance. It was wild, in a good way! The energy was amazing and care free. We danced our hearts out. We slowed down and ended in an easy meditation. It was beautiful and breathtaking.

Through the rest of the morning we attended a few chanting concerts. We found some great people to follow who are local to Atlanta. I still can’t  believe how big the spiritual music movement is in Atlanta. There are so many creative people down there.

After lunch we attended Dances of Universal Peace. I had no idea what this workshop was going to be. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I was ready for another dance workshop since the 5 Rhythms workshop was so intense. The Dances of Universal Peace was a totally different flow.

We all stood in a circle around the room and sang songs together, gently danced together and laughed together as we got some of the moves confused. Dances of Universal Peace was started by a Sufi master as a way for people to eat, dance and pray together. He hoped to promote peace through the arts with Dances of Universal Peace. I’ve gotta say, I think they are onto something. I’ve always believed that people who sing and dance together will have an easier time getting along.

Our evening ended with the Krishna Das concert. Oh my goodness! It was amazing! To be in a room full of close to 200 people chanting together was a transformative experience. I left the concert feeling like I was floating. Knowing that we were surrounded by people whose common purpose in life is to spread love was a truly amazing thing.

I hope to continue to support Chantlanta. They are doing some really amazing things down there. The proceeds from their event this year went to a non-profit, Camp Cadi. This is a summer camp for young girls who have been traumatized by sexual abuse. I love that the people of Chantlanta are being the change they seek in the world.

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  1. Sounds like a fun and different experience. Ironically, someone at the gym I go to was just talking about Krishna Das last week and I had no idea who that person was.

    1. I had never heard of Krishna Das until the past year or so. He’s pretty well known in the yoga and meditation world.

  2. Sounds so interesting and there is such a great energy in that video. Even I do chanting sometimes and it has such a calming affect on me <3

  3. Annemarie LeBlanc

    The name Krishna Das sounds really familiar. Maybe I have read about him somewhere or someone mentioned him to me. I will have to look for his youtube channel. Chantlanta looks like a really unique event. I would love to experience attending one in the future.

    1. Looks like a great event! I will have to look up Krishna Das now!

  4. The festival looks very cozy, like an intimate party for the best friends… I would not mind to take part in all this events one day!

  5. What a way to start a day and festival- dancing? I would love to be part of such an event! Anyway, I love that you also had time for mediation! I love guided meditation.

  6. Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    The Dances of Universal Peace is really interesting. I have never been to an event like this but if it would teach people to get along easily with each other through appreciation of the arts, then this is a good thing! I wish they’d have this in more places too.

  7. This is interesting. Heading now to youtube to check out Krishna’s videos. She was also recommended by my yoga instructor. Thank you for sharing about Chantlanta.

  8. This sounds like such a magical and enchanting event. I’ve never heard of Chantlanta before, but I would definitely be interested in going to their next event.

  9. Oh wow this does sound like such a special event! I haven’t heard of this before, or anything similar! I will have to check it out!

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