Today is the day. I am going to beat my 8-month long writer’s block. I am going to start writing on a consistent basis and I will not get distracted. I will finish this post and maybe even publish it. What caused this writer’s block? What has taken me so long to get back in the groove of writing? I love writing, so what’s the big deal. Everyday I keep telling myself, “Today is going to be the day.” The next thing I know the day has gotten away from me and I find myself saying, “Ok, tomorrow is going…
I recently polled my Facebook friends to see what their reaction is when they notice one of their friends has been bit by the network marketing bug. I wanted to see if they are generally supportive of their friends entrepreneur spirit or if it makes them want to run far, far away. I got a mixed reaction, but it was mostly negative. I know from my personal experience, even though I’m in network marketing myself, I tend to cringe. You may not have spoken to a friend in years and all of a sudden they want to be your best…
Let me paint a picture for you that may sound familiar. You’ve been watching a friend work his/her network marketing business. You go through mixed emotions of being annoyed with their posts and intrigued. Your friend contacts you and wants you to give their products a try. You give the products a try, love them and decide maybe, just maybe you could sell these products too. After all, you’re already sharing about them, why not make a little money. You get started in the business and start sharing to social media like crazy. After all, that’s how you got hooked…
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you have so many exciting things happen that by the end of the week you are just mentally tapped out? I think that’s how I am today. I am just checked out today. The day started out great. It’s a new day and a new month (my birthday month to be specific). Started out the morning by waking up early, but gently and doing some yoga. Even got the kids up and ready for school with no arguments. Went to the gym and got some major strength training in. But after…
I will challenge myself to write a new blog post everyday for the month of February. As much as today is sucking so far I’m going to suck it up and sit down and write my blog post. Because we all have bad days and sometimes it’s nice to read a real blog post from a real person going through real struggles. So just to do a quick recap of January. I actually thought January was a fantastic month. I took steps to help my husband with this business. I got my eating back on track. I finished 21 Day…