• Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle

    5 Ways That Women Can Feel More Confident In Their Own Skin

    Do you ever feel shy or awkward in social situations? Have you ever been told to “be yourself” but didn’t know who that self was? Photo by Radomir Jordanovic from Pexels Self-confidence is an essential element of having strong friendships with other women, developing romantic relationships, and living life to the fullest.  Here Are 5 Ways That Women Can Feel More Confident In Their Own Skin Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Good You should never compromise on comfort for style, even if it means wearing something a little bit more casual than what everyone else is wearing; as long…

  • Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle

    6 Reasons You Might Have Low Energy Even Though You Eat Right

    Image Courtesy of Pexels You probably know the story. You eat fresh food, stay away from fat and take vitamin supplements. Yet you never seem to have energy. The mornings are insufferable. By noon you are ready for a midday nap, and you are in bed by 8 pm. So what is going on? First, everyone is different, so the information here is meant as a reference only. Generally, if you are low on energy all the time, it would indicate a more severe issue than simple dietary or exercise concerns. If you suspect any of the problems below, consult…

  • Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle

    3 Skin Protection Tips From Sun Damage

    Understanding your skin type and using the correct products to make your skin happy is crucial for offsetting sun damage. If you aren’t too savvy about skincare, here are three things to know about skin protection so that you can keep your skin safe in the sun.   1. The Right Sunscreen   If you have fair skin, you’ll want to lean on high-SPF sunscreens to keep it from burning while you’re outside. Some people think that if they wear a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, this is enough to avoid sun damage. While any sunscreen helps, the amount in moisturizer is minimal,…

  • Get Healthy - Healthy Living - Lifestyle

    Taking Extra Care Of Yourself With Chronic Pain

    You can engage in a variety of self-care activities and aid yourself in a variety of ways. Some, on the other hand, may be more valuable than others, or a good place to start. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Take a look at some of the self-care suggestions for chronic illness that you should practise in general: Eating a Balanced Diet Giving your body the nutrients it requires to function is even more critical when your body is dealing with additional issues, such as chronic pain. You are helping yourself as much as you can by eating the correct…