• Giveaways and Reviews

    Glasstic Glass Water Bottle Review

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. My favorite water bottle has arrived!!  I can not even begin to tell you guys how awesome this water bottle is. I received this water bottle in the mail a couple of months ago. So why am I just now getting around to writing this review? Right after I got this water bottle in the mail my husband also fell in love with the bottle and stole it from me. I had to snatch it back from him so I could finally use it and review it. The Perks of…

  • Parenting - Giveaways and Reviews

    Beltlock – Ultimate Car Seat Safety Device

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Imagine you are running errands with your 2 or 3 year old. You fasten them into their car seat and go on your merry way thinking they are nice and secure. When you get to your destination you realize somewhere along the way they have unbuckled the seat belt holding their car seat in place. You thank your lucky stars that nothing bad happened while they were unbuckled. I don’t know about you all, but this has happened to me with my 3 year old. It scared the crap out…

  • Giveaways and Reviews - Reviews

    Touch n Sing App Revew

    I was recently contacted by an application developer and asked to try out their app, Touch ‘n Sing. This fun app came recommended to ages 2-6. My 3 year old is constantly trying to steal our iPad and Nexus 7 so I figured I would give it a try to see how he liked it. I installed the free app on my Nexus 7. With the free installation you get 3 free songs, The Alphabet Song, Hokey Pokey and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The apps bright colors immediately held my sons attention. He favorite song by far (and mine as…