Let me paint a picture for you that may sound familiar. You’ve been watching a friend work his/her network marketing business. You go through mixed emotions of being annoyed with their posts and intrigued. Your friend contacts you and wants you to give their products a try. You give the products a try, love them and decide maybe, just maybe you could sell these products too. After all, you’re already sharing about them, why not make a little money. You get started in the business and start sharing to social media like crazy. After all, that’s how you got hooked…
I love finding WordPress plugins that make my life easier. But I recently had to remove 2 plugins that were actually causing me nothing, but headaches. They seemed like a good idea to install at the time and I had hopes that they would work seamlessly. The first plugin I had to remove was the Facebook Comments plugin. I originally installed this plugin quite a while back because I thought it would make it super convenient for my users with Facebook to leave comments. The problem with this plugin is that I don’t receive notifications from my web site or…
Blogging for Network Marketers is a course for network marketers who are looking to expand their customer base beyond their family and friends. This course will take network marketers through the process of setting up their blog from choosing a domain name to setting up hosting and WordPress. Once their blog is set up, network marketers will learn the do’s and don’ts of blogging through a little tough love. They will also learn the must have pages and learn about the importance of disclosures. Social media tips and tricks will also be covered along with how to create quality original…
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I could receive payment. When I started my own blog over 6 years ago I had no idea how I was going to monetize it. I just knew I wanted to write about the things that I loved. A year into my blogging I found out about this thing called affiliate marketing. It turns out affiliate marketing helps bloggers get paid to write about the things they love! Don’t know what affiliate marketing is? I basically think of affiliate marketing as word of…
Have you ever wondered how some bloggers are able to engage with well-known brands? Do you have a blog that you want to monetize? Influencer Marketing for Dummies may just be the book for you to read. The team at Clever Girls Network put this book together just for influencers and brands. How do you know if you are an influencer? Have you ever recommended someone read a book, eat at a restaurant, wear a certain pair of shoes or do a certain workout? If you have ever recommended any product or service to your friends or family YOU are…