
Careful, These Issues Can Block A Great Career Path

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Are you interested in advancing your career? If so, then you need to be aware of the issues that can bring your progress to a grinding halt. Here are some of the possibilities that you do need to be aware of when advancing your career and pushing for better positions. 

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First, it’s possible that an injury stops your career in its tracks. The reason for this is that an injury might make it difficult for you to continue to work in the long term. If you are worried about an injury that is preventing you from working, then you should start by figuring out when to hire a personal injury lawyer. You should take this step if an accident occurred that you were not responsible for. This could include anything from a work accident to an issue out on the road. 

Bad References 

Next, you should think about the problem of bad references. You might take a few throwaway jobs in your career and not think much of them. This could leave you with bad references from previous employees. You might think that you can solve this issue by simply not using the references in question. However, this is always going to be a mistake. It will look like there are holes in your resume where you didn’t work at all. As well as this, a potential employee could complete their own research to fill in the holes and that’s an even worse scenario. 

Poor Work Ethic 

You could also have an issue growing your career if you have a poor work ethic. It’s important to show a business that you are willing to put in the work to ensure that they succeed with their goals. In doing so, you will be putting yourself in the right position to claim a promotion and continue to move up the ladder. This might require you to work a few late days. Or, it could be about ensuring that you do go the extra mile for clients and customers, ensuring that they always get the best service. Work like this will be rewarded. 

No Networking 

Finally, it doesn’t matter what business sector or industry you are a part of, it’s all about who you know. Without the right connections, you are going to find that you are stunted in terms of how far you can go with your career. The good news is that networking is easy when you know how. For instance, you can use social media as your main tool. Social media provides you with an easy, flexible way to connect with a variety of different people and ensure that they can help you push your career in exciting new directions. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the issues that can block your route when you are exploring a fantastic career path. By being aware of the issues, you can make sure that you dodge or jump over these hurdles and continue to move your career forward in the right direction. 

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