blogging for network marketers

blogging for network marketers

Blogging for Network Marketers is a course for network marketers who are looking to expand their customer base beyond their family and friends. This course will take network marketers through the process of setting up their blog from choosing a domain name to setting up hosting and WordPress.

Once their blog is set up, network marketers will learn the do’s and don’ts of blogging through a little tough love. They will also learn the must have pages and learn about the importance of disclosures.

Social media tips and tricks will also be covered along with how to create quality original images.

As an added bonus network marketers will learn about video blogging. They will learn the importance of Periscope and how you can save time and money and actually make money through Periscope.

This course will be on Udemy soon and will be taught by Cyndi Buchanan. Cyndi has over 10 years of experience blogging. She has been running her own blog, Mom Elite, for over 6 years. Cyndi also has over 8 years of experience in web development with an Associate’s Degree in web technologies and certificates specializing in design for mobile web, e-commerce and web page authoring. Cyndi also has 4 years of experience with a variety of network markets which she has tastefully implemented in her blog.

To keep up to date on when this course is released and get new release pricing sign up to receive the newsletter!!

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  1. This looks great! I just signed up and can’t wait to see what the course is like.

  2. Sounds like a great program with some helpful ideas and resources. I have never taken on a blog related course before. It’s something I should definitely look into.

  3. I’d love to go through this course. It sounds like it might help me both as a blogger and social media promoter.

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