Lifestyle Travel

What is the Best Handheld GPS in 2017?


When a child, my parents insisted we learn how to read a map and how to read the landscape. This has perhaps proven to be one of the most important lessons of my life. I can now navigate my way even when lost or without a map. It is also a skill which I want to pass on to my own children as they grow up. However, we live in a more advanced world these days and the humble but beautiful map has been superseded by GPS devices which know where we are exactly and can map a route out. While it is important for me to teach my girls my old skills, it’s good to know how to use these devices too.

As a result, I decided to take a look at new releases and work out which ones formed the top 10 released this year. They were:

  1. eTrex (Garmin)
  2. Montana 680 Touchscreen GPS (Garmin)
  3. Rhino 750 (Garmin)
  4. Oregon 650t GPS (Garmin)
  5. Garmin 64st
  6. eTrex 10 (Garmin)
  7. eTrex 20x (Garmin)
  8. DeLorme InReach SE
  9. Back Track G2 (Bushnell)
  10. Foretex 401 (Garmin)

This list does not reveal very much except my ranking from 1 to 10. However, I have taken the time to compile a full set of reviews including each devices plus points and negatives, which you can find on this article covering 2017’s best handheld GPS devices.

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