lose the layers

I’m sure a lot of you have seen my posts about health and fitness and I’m sure most of you have realized that I am a Beachbody coach. What you may not know is why I am a Beachbody coach and why I decided to become a Beachbody coach in the first place.

I’ll start with why I originally decided to become a Beachbody coach. When I originally signed up as a Beachbody coach I signed up purely for the monthly coach discount on Shakeology and with the thought that maybe, just maybe someone might want to order Beachbody products from me. I honestly thought that I would stop coaching after I finished T25 (sorry, Erin!). I never expected to last this long with it. I originally went into coaching with the mentality of, “If I’m going to be doing this and talking about it, I might as well have my friends and family buy the products from me rather than going through another source.”

Let me tell you all my thoughts of coaching have evolved SO much since I first started almost a year ago. Now that I’ve gone through some of the programs, seen the results in myself and seen the results my friends have got I’m completely 100% sold on the Beachbody programs and coaching. The programs aren’t magic solutions or magic pills or gimmicks. If you want to see real results you have to put in the WORK. What makes the Beachbody programs work are the carefully constructed schedules that come with the programs, the meal plans and AMAZING support network. If you REALLY follow the workout schedules and REALLY change the way you eat and take advantage of our support networks you WILL see results.

So back to why I am coaching. Part of why I am coaching now is for selfish reasons. Ok, I know what immediately comes to you mind when I say that. Money. NOPE. I am coaching because as long as I’m having to keep someone else accountable for their health and fitness I have to practice what I preach and do the same thing myself. Are you going to take me serious as a coach if I’m not working out or if you catch me hitting up the drive-thru everyday? Absolutely not. As long as I’m coaching I’m having to live the coaching lifestyle which means living a healthy lifestyle. So just as much as I am holding you accountable YOU are holding ME accountable.

I have also continued to coach because I have an AMAZING team by my side. I’ve actually met maybe 1% of my team in person and I can honestly say that the people on my team are like an extended family. We boost each other up when we are feeling down, we motivate each other and we laugh all.of.the.time. In a group that is 95% women you will be very surprised to know that there is NO drama in this group. We are all in this group to truly support each other and not cut each other down. I’ve been blown away at how awesome this team is.

So with all of this said, if you are looking for something to be a part of that will help motivate you to REALLY change your life and if you are REALLY ready to work at some healthy lifestyle changes I would love to help you. I can help you find the program that is right for you and get you started. What I can’t do is do the work for you. THAT is up to you.

If you want to learn more about my team and what we do as coaches I would love to invite you to join our coach expo that starts next Monday. It is only 3 days long and there is absolutely no commitment necessary to join the expo. It is purely for your information. If being part of the expo gets you excited about what I am doing I would love to have you join my team and help me make this world a healthier place!

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  1. This is awesome! I just started T25 and have been liking it so far. It definitely kicks my butt!

    1. T25 was my first program! I LOVED it and still do it from time to time. Shaun T will kick your booty right into shape and Beta round is SO much fun. Speed 2.0 is still one of my favorite workouts.

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