At-Home Mosquito Bite Remedies
At-Home Mosquito Bite Remedies

At this time of the year, mosquitos are running rampant. While you cannot fully control when and where they bite you, there are many remedies to control the itch. Read this quick guide to learn about some at-home mosquito bite remedies.


With all its antioxidants, tea is helpful for the skin and many health conditions. You can enjoy the benefits by drinking a glass of tea every day and putting the tea bag on your bite for a few minutes. This will not only control the itch, but also decrease the swelling and make your bite heal faster.


When it comes to bug bites, you can never get enough antioxidants. Honey is a great source of antioxidants. By adding honey to your tea, you’ll get to enjoy a sweeter taste while healing your bug bites with more antioxidants. Honey and tea work well together as both a beverage and a topical healing remedy.


Hydrocortisone cream is a short-term remedy, but it can stop you from scratching your mosquito bites and making them worse, speeding up the healing process. If you add water and baking soda to it, you can create a hydrocortisone paste. This will be just as effective as any hydrocortisone cream you buy from the store.

Ice packs

An ice pack can be uncomfortably cold, but wrapping it in a towel can reduce inflammation and itchiness. Although this is only good for temporary relief, you can put it on your bite every few hours until you have a cream or medication. Since ice packs can be big and annoying to hold on a little bite, ice cubes work just as well.


Did you know you can use aspirin for more than just headaches? That’s right. It can reduce the swelling and itching of mosquito bites as well. Instead of taking this as a medication, chop it up to form a powder. Then, make a paste out of it by adding water, and rub the paste on your bite. After a few hours, wash it off and enjoy the soothing results.


For bad mosquito bites, you can greatly benefit from antihistamines. These are known to relieve the itch from allergies, but they can help for mosquito bites as well. Antihistamines can be found in Benadryl and calamine lotion.

Even though all these remedies help with the itchiness and swelling, try not to scratch. Healing takes time and proper care. These are just a few of many at-home mosquito bite remedies.


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