Lifestyle Parenting

The Apps Every New Parent Should Use

Navigating the scary but rewarding world of parenthood can be a bit overwhelming for new parents, but an influx of technology from baby-centric companies has resulted in a bevy of apps that can be an amazing help to any new mom or dad. Check out these essential apps and turn your phone into a one-stop baby station that will help you through those first few months of parenthood.

Baby Connect

Want to track everything in one easy little package? Baby Connect is your best bet. From diaper use to sleeping, bottles to breastfeeding sessions, you can track seriously everything there is to track with this fun app. You’ve likely heard of new mommy brain (or new daddy brain) making it a little bit harder to remember all of the details—this app changes all that. An easy-to-use interface makes this app perfect for busy parents looking to get a handle on all of the details that come along with caring for an infant.

Baby MedBasics

Become your baby’s at-home health care professional with the help of Baby MedBasics. This cool app provides a bevy of health tips that could save your child’s life. It features all the things you need to know in the case of emergency situations. From poison details to CPR practices, burn care to fever issues, this will become your most important reference when your little one gets hurt or ill. This app can provide a great amount of peace of mind, which is something all nervous parents need, especially in that new and scary first year of motherhood and fatherhood.

Baby Snooze

Life with a new baby is, in a word, exhausting. It seems every time you get the little one down to sleep, a bevy of chores is staring you in the face. Likewise, when you finally get your brain to shut down and snooze for a bit, the baby seems to wake up immediately. Cue Baby Snooze. This app is designed to emulate the sounds that they were accustomed to in the womb, including a steady heartbeat and subtle rumbling and whooshes.

The Bump

If you’re a first-time mommy or daddy, you’re going to want The Bump. Navigating the first few weeks and months of parenthood (let’s be honest, the first 18 years) can be a challenge. Now, when you have a question, don’t worry about calling your mom and asking what she did, simply speak into your phone. That’s right, you can get real-time answers to all of your baby questions, whether the little one is still in the womb or you’ve had your child home with you for months now. The Bump is a great help to expectant mothers, as each week you’ll get time-specific content that you can relate to your pregnancy. From registry help to baby photos, you’ll find The Bump is there for you every step of the way during those long nine months.


Once your little one gets older, you’ll want to set up playdates for some fun socializing time (for both baby and mommy). RedRover helps busy parents find fun things to do with their children, and helps you meet up with other parents and their little ones. Simply select your location, take a gander at all the fun activities on the docket that day, and head out with your child to make for the “best day ever.”

Keep Those Apps Safe

You’re going to have your hands full, and accidents are going to happen, so make sure you protect your brand new app purchases (and more importantly, your phone) with sturdy cases from Touch of Modern and screen protectors from Zagg—spit up doesn’t discriminate on where it lands, and you’ll be glad you took the time to safeguard your screen.


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